Prism Legal Consulting*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Prism Legal Consulting has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- DC Large Law Firm Knowledge Management Group (was: DC Legal Market KM Group)
- NYC Large Law Firm Knowledge Management Group
- Strategic Knowledge & Innovation Legal Leaders’ Summit (SKILLS)*1)
The Strategic Knowledge & Innovation Legal Leaders’ Summit (SKILLS), formerly the Legal Knowledge Management Summit (Legal KM Summit or KM Summit), organized by the NYC Large Law Firm Knowledge Management Group, is a closed door international meeting of large law firm knowledge management and innovation leaders with a public part – the SKILLS Showcase. The aim of SKILLS is to discuss current developments in Knowledge Management, innovation, and the business of law. The SKILLS Showcase is a mixture of rapid-fire presentations and strategic discussions that highlight the latest developments in the legal sector.
“Knowledge Management” Workshops
2005: Making Knowledge Management Client Facing @ ARK KM in the Legal Profession
“Knowledge Management” Presentations
@ ARK KM Legal US
2019: Anticipating Users’ Information + Know-How Requirements
2017: Knowledge Management in the Big Picture – The Business Context (Keynote)
2014: 10 Years Gone: From Content to Tools to Productivity – A Legal Knowledge Management Retrospective
2017: Prosper in Flat Times with Knowledge Management (ILTA Webinar)
@ ITA Collaborative Conference
2014: The Evolution of Legal Knowledge Management and Lessons for other Professionals
@ Interwoven Legal IT Leadership Summit
2006: Pragmatic Approaches to Knowledge Management
@ SUNY/Stony Brook, Graduate School of Business
2006: Knowledge Management – The Right Question? (guest lecture, Strategic Technology & Innovation class, Executive MBA program)
@ Marcus Evans LawTech Forum
2005: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Your Knowledge Management Capabilities
@ CIO Roundtable Retreat
2005: Trends in Knowledge Management
@ Hummingbird Summit
2005: A Case of Knowledge Management – KM Lessons from the Legal Industry
@ Chicago CIO Roundtable
2004: Making Knowledge Management Client-Facing
@ LegalTech
2003: Chart a Course for Knowledge Management Success
2000: Approaches to Knowledge Management
1999: Update on Knowledge Management Tools