Knowledge Management Communities, Conferences & Training
Well known Stan Garfield, Community Evangelist at Deloitte Global Knowledge Services and leader of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community (SIKM Leaders), is providing his homepage on Google Sites – a vast variety of resources on knowledge management.
Of special interest for knowledge management education and training opportunities are the list pages on Knowledge Management Communities (incl. KM related LinkedIn Groups & Google+ Communities), Conferences (incl. Social Business conferences) and Training (incl. poscasts, videos, webinars, online courses, training providers, universities etc., as well as a sub-page on KM Certification).
In the SIKM Leaders Community, Stan Garfield asks for support to update his page on Knowledge Management training in the SIKM Leaders Community:
“I updated this KM training page and would like your help in adding any missing items and correcting any errors. If you are aware of other providers of KM training or universities offering KM courses, please reply with the details. I will update the page accordingly. Thanks!”
Pls feel free to contribute.