Filed in: 2015-10: Kongress für Wissensmanagement. Social Media und Collaboration (KnowTech)**

Knowledge Management Conferences in EUROPE?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the LinkedIn Group of the Knowledge Management Association (KMA) Bettina K. asks: Hello All, is there any Knowledge Management Conference being held in EUROPE this year that can be recommend from your own experience? I’d like to learn more about the probably most difficult bit: ADOPTION. How to motivate

Lern Operating System Convention (LernOS Convention)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Die Lern Operating System Convention (LernOS Convention, lernOScon oder loscon), ehemals das Lern Operating System Camp (lernOScamp oder loscamp), Quasi-Nachfolger der KnowTouch Konferenz, wird von der Beratungsfirma Cogneon veranstaltet. Die “Zusammenkunft” befaßt sich mit dem von Cogneon entwickelten Lern Operating System (lernOS), einer Methode bzw. ein Betriebssystem (englisch: Operating System) für

Knowledge Management Communities, Conferences & Training

Well known Stan Garfield, Community Evangelist at Deloitte Global Knowledge Services and leader of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community (SIKM Leaders), is providing his homepage on Google Sites – a vast variety of resources on knowledge management. Of special interest for knowledge management education and training opportunities are the list