Abstract: In an upcoming insightful article by Brian (Bo) Newman, The Education of the Knowledge Professions, Bo addresses the confusion existing in the KM training marketplace. He also addresses how to define the various stakeholders in the Knowledge Professions. The KMPro Learning Center is presently wrestling with these key issues for
British Academy of Management (BAM)
British Academy of Management (BAM) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNet)*
The biennial International Conferences on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNet) serves to promote communication and awareness among researchers in economics and management and provide a forum to present current research and to discuss issues of common interest, such as relevant developments in organizational economics and management. The content of EMNet includes all forms of
European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*
- (TBC) Including Knowledge Management related tracks and symposia
Academy of International Business Meeting (AIB)*
- Tracks: “Global strategy and organization” Track Topics: Knowledge creation and transfer; Organizational learning