British Academy of Management (BAM)
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British Academy of Management (BAM) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- “Knowledge and Learning” Special Interest Group (SIG)
- British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*
- With Knowledge and Learning SIG paper sessions, workshops, symposia, and annual general business meeting
- New Research in Management and Organisational Learning, November 15, 2005, Hull University, Hull, United Kingdom
(Host: Centre for Management and Organizational Learning (CMOL), Hull University Business School; in association with the British Academy of Management)- Agenda:
Organisational Learning: A Strategic Turn
Learning Shock; The Trauma of the Return to Formal Learning
Researching Learning Practice in Organisations
Plenary Discussion - BAM Special Research Forum, 18-19 March 2002, Loch Ard (near Glasgow), United Kindom
Theme: Mode 2 Knowledge Production: Exploring Practice-Oriented Research Approaches
(Host: Strathclyde Business School, Strathclyde University; Business School, University of Glasgow)- Agenda:
Knowledge and Learning SIG
- Knowledge Management – Advancements and future research needs, 9 June 2015, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
- The Global Knowledge Research Network (GKR-Network) involved 222 KM experts from 38 countries, representing 42 nationalities, 16 industry sectors plus government, international organisations, and NGOs as well as 16 academic disciplines with a major contribution from scholars from the Business and Management field.
Welcome on behalf of the BAM Knowledge and Learning SIG
Future research needs in KM – Outcomes of the GKR-Network study
Comments on the global study
Discussion groups on future research topics
Feedback from the groups
General discussion & conclusions - Workshops @ BAM Conference
- 2024: CaseGPT – A hackathon designed to minimise threats and maximise opportunities from the intersection of case method and Generative AI Apps
2015: Developing Reviewing Skills for Early Career Academics and Doctoral Students (Symposium)
2014: The ‘Slogan Tee-shirt’ as organizing principle in the design of a creative approach to teaching consumerism (w. Marketing and Retail SIG)
2013: Big Data, the Cloud, Data Security, Surveillance – and You (Professional Development Workshop; w. AIIM)
2012: …?
2011: Reflexivity: a building block of management learning and inquiry? (Research Methodology Workshop)
2005: Publishing your paper in Management Learning (Symposium)
2004: —
2003: How does methodological research inform our organizational debates?
2002: Communities of Scholarship: A Dialogue Event for PhD Students and Supervisors; How Does Methodological Research Inform our Organisational Debates
2001: ?
2000: Developing Courses in ‘Knowledge and Learning’ (aka … ‘Organisational Learning’)