Filed in: content management

Enterprise Content Influencer

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: As I delve deeper into the evolving practice of Knowledge Management, the one thing that stands out is – the role of a Knowledge Manager has evolved into something beyond conventionally managing the knowledge database. Here, I am going to redefine what it takes to be a new age Knowledge Manager. The practice

Empolis Exchange*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Das Empolis Executive Forum, vorübergehend das Attensity (Europe) Executive Forum und anfangs der empolis Information Logistics Day, ist eine Plattform für den fachlichen Austausch über neue Geschäftsmodelle, innovative IT-Entwicklungen, Dienste und Tools, abgerundet durch verschiedene Praxisbeispiele. Die Veranstaltung bietet eine Gelegenheit zum Austausch und Networking mit Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.

Who is in the Knowledge Management Team?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The purpose of the organisation’s Knowledge Management (KM) team is to provide knowledge management services and solution to the organisation. By KM I mean the ability to learn from experience (and continuously improve and build value and capability), to innovate, to share knowledge as a community, and to apply ever-improving standards of performance