The International Conference on Knowledge Based Management (KM4D), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management (KM4D) and the Knowledge for Development Partnership Meeting in Iran, is a 1 day conference held in conjunction with the International Award on Knowledge-Based Management (KM4D) Award Ceremony (the award is also known as the KM4D International Knowledge Management Award
Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb)*
- Part of the Multi-Conference on “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies / Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées”
European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*
- Tracks: Open Innovation Engaging Individuals, Communities and Networks; Managing Creativity for Innovation | Symposia: Uncovering and Managing the Implications of AI for Academic Knowledge Work
Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK)*
The Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK; English: University for Continuing Education Krems), formerly the Donau-Universität Krems – Universitätszentrum für Weiterbildung (English: Danube-University Krems – University Center for Continuing Education), still branded as Donau-Universität Krems, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Information and knowledge management curriculum for the SCECSAL region
Abstract: Purpose – This paper seeks to advance the case for designing an information and knowledge management curriculum (IKMC) to produce information and knowledge management professionals (IKMPs) in the Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Library and Information Associations (SCECSAL) region. It highlights challenges and solutions and proposes a model IKMC.