Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-Maghreb)*

Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-Maghreb)*

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The Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-Maghreb) is the International Symposium of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) Maghreb chapter in conjunction with the chapter’s General Meeting.

Conference History:

9ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2022, February 9-11, 2023, Al-Hoceima, Morocco / Virtual venue

Thème du colloque: Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance / Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization
(Host: Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, École nationale des sciences appliquées d’Al Hoceima; En conjonction avec la 3ème Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées” OCTA’2022)

    Paper Sessions: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS
    Information System & Applications in Society
    Data Analysis Model, Knowledge Organization & Decision-Making
    Systems, Models and Processing Design
    Data, Information & Social Network in Sustainable Development
    Knowledge Organization, System Design and Innovation

    Poster Sessions: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS (CANCELLED)
    Information Systems and Economic Intelligence
    Digital Sciences and challenges on Knowledge Organization
    Advanced Technologies, Renewable Energies and Economic Development
    Big-Data-Analytics Technologies

    Keynotes: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS
    The Metaverse: The virtual world of tomorrow
    (TBC) Artificial Intelligence in the Humanities and Social Sciences
    A step ahead for generation of explainable embeddings using feature maximization principle: Application to graph and word embeddings

    Co-located Conferences:
    International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
    Colloque International sur les Technologies avancées, Energies renouvelables et Développement économique (CITED)
    Colloque International sur les Technologies « Big-Data-Analytics » pour le Management Stratégique (TBMS)

8ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2019, February 6-8, 2020, Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, Tunis, Tunisia

Thème du colloque: Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance / Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization
(Host: University of Tunis, Institut Supérieur de Gestion; En conjonction avec la 2ème Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées” OCTA’2019)

    Note: OCTA 2019, planned for November 21–23, 2019, is postponed due to the collusion with the electoral events in Tunisia (ie. presidential and parliamentary elections).

    Sessions de colloque:
    Information & Social Network; Data, Humanity & Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge Organization & Applications; Green and Digital Transition; e-Learning, e-Education & Intelligent Systems; Data, Analysis & Intelligent Systems; Optimization, Diagnosis & Decision-Making; Data, Algorithms & Decision; Ontology, Data & Algorithms; Big Data & Technologies; Posters / Communications Affichées

    Knowledge Intensive Explorative Business Processes: Towards Smarter Services; Education 4.0: How can Educators meet Industry 4.0 and today’s Learners?; The future of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management at the era of Big Data; Privacy-Preserving Big Data Analytics

    Conférences co-localisées:
    International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
    Colloque International sur les Technologies avancées, Energies renouvelables et Développement économique (CITED)
    Colloque International sur les Technologies « Big-Data-Analytics » pour le Management Stratégique (TBMS)

7ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2018, November 25–26, 2018, Bejaïa, Algeria

Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Applications
(Host: Université de Bejaia, Department of Computer Science)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Digital Humanities in Collective Intelligence; e-Management for Knowledge Organization; Big Data, Data Engineering and Knowledge Visualization; Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches; Knowledge Organization, Data Mining & Challanges; e-Learnning, Systems and Knowledge Models; Knowledge Organization, Document/Archive and Case Studies; e-Watch, Studies domain and Collaborative Environment; e-Systems, Knowledge and Process Management

    Large Scale Data Analytics Technique for Big Data; We, the World and the Digital. A phenomenology?; The concept of a Pseudo-polygon and its application to Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT); Visual Mining: A User-Centric Immersive Approach to Exploration and Knowledge Emergence. Applications in the health field

    General Assembly of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter

6ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2017, May 11–12, 2017, Al-Hoceima, Morocco

Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Applications
(Host: Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées d’Al-Hoceima, National School of Applied Sciences; En conjonction avec la Multi-Conférence internationale SIIE 2017 & ISKO-Maghreb 2017)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Multimedia Indexing & Information Retrieval; e-Education, Knowledge & Digital Humanties; Digital Humanities & Information Technology Applications; Information Analysis, Watch & Knowledge Organization; BigData Analysis & DataMining; Information, Document & Knowledge Organization; Data, Big Data & Visualization; Data Analytics & Knowledge Models; Posters of PhD-candidates; SIIE (relevant): Knowledge Management and Quality Process in Entreprise; Knowledge, Strategy and Economic Intelligence

    New Paradigm in Speech Recognition and Opinion Classification; Towards a Multi-Agent System approach to manage Organizational Knowledge on the Web; The Arabic Language, its Processing and the Digital Humanities

    General Assembly of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter

    Conférences co-localisées:
    International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)

1er Colloque International sur la Veille Informationnelle et Gestion des Connaissances dans les Organisations (VEIGECO 2016), April 21-22, 2016, Tunis, Tunisia
Thème de la conférence: Gouvernance des Connaissances dans les Organisations

5ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2015, November 13-14, 2015, Hammamet, Tunisia

Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Reasearch and Applications
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Digital Humanities in Collective Intelligence; e-Management for Knowledge Organization; Big Data, Data Engineering and Knowledge Visualization; Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches; Knowledge Organization & Challenges; e-Learnning and Knowledge Models; Knowledge Organisation and Case Studies; e-Watch and Collaborative Environement; e-Systems, Knowledge and Process Management

    Digitalizing the Humanities: some controversial challenges; The Digital Frontiers / Les Frontières Numériques; Direct Scientific Communication Tools: Innovation in Open Archives

    Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb

4ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2014, November 9–10, 2014, Algiers, Algeria

Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Data Mining, Approaches and Information Models; Image processing and Information Retrieval; Knowledge Organization and Models; Web Applications and Technologies; e-Learning: Models and Applications; Knowledge Organization and Management Applications; e-Library and Information Retreival; Document and Konowledge Organization; Poster Sessions (Approches & Systems for Knowledge Organization; Data, Information & Knowledge: models & implementations)

    INFONOMICS: a new discipline of ICT; An overview of Smart Grid: Technologies, Applications and Research Challenges; From hypertext to collaborative, social and adaptive hypermedia: Lessons and projects from the Paragraphe Lab

    Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb

3ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2013, November 8–9, 2013, Marrakech, Morocco

Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université Mohammed V Souissi, École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systemes)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Classifications, Webometrics & Approaches; Modelization, Indexing & Information Retrieval; Resources, Knowledge & Knowledge Management in New Modes; Data, Web Services & Process; Didactics, Documents & Human Professions; Distance Learning: strategies, models & experiences; Ontology, Knowledge & Knowledge Management; Enterprise Architecture, Governance & Recommendation; Informations, Savoirs & Veilles; Posters Sessions (Models, Systems & Technologies; Information, Knowledge & Implementation)

    Economic analysis of practice communities: the particular case of informational sharing; From Databases to Big Data; Complémentarité dans la gestion des compétences / Complementarity in Competence Management

    Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb

2ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2012, May 3–4, 2012, Hammamet, Tunisia

Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Information, Usage & Collective Intelligence; e-Management & Knowledge; Knowledge Organization & Challanges; Models & Competitive Intelligence; e-Watch & Collaborative Environment; Databank, Knowledge Representation and Visualization; e-Learnning & Approachs

    Digital images for decision making: some case studies; Rationalism in scientific management: the dialectic between formal and informal; Opening new perpectives for classifying and mining textual and web data

    Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb

    Le colloque devait avoir lieu à Alger, en Algérie. Pour des raisons logistiques, il a été relocalisé. (The colloquium was supposed to take place in Algiers, Algeria. For logistics reasons it was re-located.)

1er Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2011, May 13–14, 2011, Hammamet, Tunisia

Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)

    Sessions de colloque:
    Usage, Connaissance & Recherche d’Information; Web & Approches sémantiques; e-Learnning & Modèles; Gestion & Processus de Management de la Connaissance (KM); Web & Applications; Bibliométrie & Modèles de Classification; Modèles de Management de la Connaissance (KM); e-Veille & Environnement numérique; Données, Connaissances & Savoir

    Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems: a review; Open Archive (HAL) : direct scientific communication Tool; Organization, Management and Engeneering of Knowledge

    Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb

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