Abstract: The emergence of Knowledge Management (KM) has raised an on-going debate on how it may relate to pre-existing fields and schools of thoughts. The main dispute focuses on whether Library and Information Science (LIS) and KM are distinct fields of specialisation. Whilst one school claims that KM is merely a new name for
Indiana University (IU)
North American Social Networks (NASN) Conference**
The North American Social Networks (NASN) Conference is a regional conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). The conference provides an interdisciplinary venue for social scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, ethnologists, epidemiologists, organizational theorists, public health experts, and others to present current work in the area of social networks. NASA
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)*
- With tracks/minitracks on Knowledge Management relevant topics
Academy of International Business Meeting (AIB)*
- Tracks: “Global strategy and organization” Track Topics: Knowledge creation and transfer; Organizational learning
Northeastern University (NEU)
The Northeastern University (NU, NEU or Northeastern) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training