Northeastern University (NEU)
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The Northeastern University (NU, NEU or Northeastern) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Professional Studies 1)
Graduate Degrees
Graduate School of Education
- Graduate Certificate Adult and Organizational Learning (online)
Graduate Certificates in Management and Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Knowledge Management (on-campus/online)**
2004-2006 (online)
Required Courses
KM 3101 Knowledge Management Strategy
KM 3121 Creating Knowledge-Based Organizations
KM 3141 Leveraging Technology for Managing KnowledgeElective Courses (Choose one)
KM 3151 Knowledge Management Applications
IP 3240 Business Aspects of Intellectual Property
IP 3300 Technology Licensing2001-2003 (on-campus; 1 year; six-courses)
KM 3100 Knowledge Management Strategy (alternate weeks with KM 3110)
KM 3110 Managing Product Knowledge (alternate weeks with KM 3100)
KM 3120 Managing Communities of Practice Wednesdays
KM 3130 Intellectual Property Law and Managemen
KM 3140 Technological Infrastructure
KM 3150 Managing Customer Knowledge
Khoury College of Computer Sciences > Network Science Institute (NetSI)
Graduate Prograns/Degrees
- Interdisciplinary Network Science PhD program 2)
- Summer Institute in Network Science and its Applications (SINSA) 3)