Abstract: This paper addresses the diffusion of Knowledge Management concepts, principles, and cases into university courses. Although we are now living in a world of gigabit transmission systems and terabyte storage, there are still long delays that often occur before industry practice finds its way into university courses. Knowledge Management practices have been elaborated
KM course content
Knowledge management course for MBA / EMBA programs @ Riga Business School
Abstract: The paper describes a case of development of knowledge management course for MBA and EMBA programs in Riga Business School. In the paper knowledge management course availability for universities and business schools, course development process, specific of students auditory in Latavia and in the particular school, developed KM course content, evaluation of
Knowledge Management Group of Philadelphia (KMG-P)*
The Knowledge Management Group of Philadelphia (KMG-P), also known as the Philadelphia Chapter of the Knowledge Management Group (PKMG) or in short the Philly KMers, 1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Education in Digital Library Learning
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is one of the most engaging subjects in the modern knowledge-based economy, and many academic and professional disciplines have adopted KM education into their course programmes. Library and Information Science (LIS) is another academic discipline that has a lot to gain by incorporating the principles of KM. This paper aims