Abstract: You can find sample job profiles and descriptions relevant to Knowledge Management in the “The Art of Knowledge Exchange Toolbox” of the World Bank Institute’s South-South Facility and the “Advisory Service Toolkit” of the World Bank Institute’s Knowledge and Learning Services. “The Art of Knowledge Exchange” Toolbox:
KM job descriptions
CUREE Knowledge Management Job Descriptions
Abstract: The UK-based Centre for the Use of Research & Evidence in Education (CUREE) is an internationally acknowledged centre of expertise in evidence-based policy and practice in all sectors of education. On their website you find some Knowledge Management job postings they issued in the past:
Exact role of the effective Knowledge Manager?
On the KnowledgeBoard discussion list Kavita P. asks: I would like to know what exactly is the role of knowledge manager and how one can enhance oneself to be effective knowledge manager. Archived discussion » Kavita P.: Exact role of Knowledge Manager. KnowledgeBoard discussion list,
Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya
Abstract: Rationale of study – Most organisations in Kenya face challenges integrating the knowledge management function in their structures due to the lack of a clear understanding of what knowledge managers should do. Consequently, there currently exist varied, unpredictable and often shallow job descriptions associated with knowledge managers. Methodology – The researchers conducted
Chief Knowledge Officers 2005, 2009, and 2015
Abstract: For each of the first three editions of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2005, 2009 and 2015) but not for the fouth edition (2018), Richard T. Herschel (Saint Joseph’s University, USA) wrote an article on the role of the chief knowledge officer. Read on and see how it changed from an information