Abstract: Applying knowledge management has been examined and researched within organizational systems, in which Chief Knowledge Officers (CKO) lead these processes. There is a significant lack of professional literature in Israel and elsewhere regarding the application of knowledge management processes within the community of knowledge managers (CKO’s CoP). The question of whether or not
KM processes
The Knowledge Management Master’s Curriculum @ the University of Linz
Abstract: Knowledge Management capabilities are essential stakeholder assets of a knowledge-based economy, in particular when addressed by standardization efforts, such as recently by ISO-9001:2015 – managing knowledge for achieving competitive edge. Effective organizational Knowledge Management requires competent work force with respect to generating, (re)presenting, and processing knowledge for shared and collective use in the
Information Professionals Supporting the Knowledge Management Environment
Abstract: “Regardless of their tenure, many individuals have seen their roles and responsibilities downgraded because they were not perceived as contributi ng directly to the KM initiatives.” writes Sue Henczel. the Trainin.g, Catalogui,ng and Conso rtia Ma nager for CAVAL Co lla bor-ative Solutions in Melbourne, Australi a. Read about how information professionals are
Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
Abstract: This paper seeks to establish the state of knowledge of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library and Information Services (LIS) professionals, the extent to which they find positions in the KM sector, the extent to which they practise identifiable KM processes in their work and the adequacy of educational preparation and professional development opportunities.
Knowledge management education in Australia suitable for LIS professionals?
Abstract: This paper surveys the formal KM courses currently offered in Australia. It is a part of a wider project by Charles Sturt University’s Community of Scholars, ‘Matching Users with Information’, which seeks to establish the state of knowledge of KM among LIS professionals, the extent to which they are finding positions in the