Abstract: Kent State University and George Washington University have been collaborating around an initiative to strengthen KM education (mostly at the Masters and Ph.D. level) with what I understood to be a long term goal of strengthening the KM profession as a whole by turning KM into a “discipline” with a standardized set of
KM professional skills and competencies
Toolbox for IT Group ‘Knowledge Management Career’
Group Profile: This group covers Knowledge Management related career topics, including career advice, career pathing, education, certification, and roles and responsibilities. Group Archive Link » Note: The Knowledge Management Career group as well as other groups are no longer available but past discussions are still archived on the Toolbox
Knowledge Management Curriculum Development at the University of Economics in Katowice
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the key assumptions related to the development of a new specialization, Knowledge Management in an Organization in the Economics Programme, at the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland). The fundamental reasons behind the launch of such a specialization, which would equip students with unique skills
What are the Qualifications for KM Roles?
Boston KM Forum Monthly Friday Morning Breakfast Meeting, Feb 5, 2010 (lynda) Whether you are a KM champion, initiator, leader or have some other role in the knowledge leveraging activities of your organization, we want to hear your own story. Come and share with the breakfast group how you found yourself in the position
A Twofer: Making a Successful Knowledge Management Manager
Boston KM Forum Monthly Thursday Afternoon Meeting, Jan 21, 2010 (lynda) This workshop will cover the key elements for making a successful KM leader and give participants a guide to finding coursework to help them fill gaps in their own education or for people they supervise. We’ll wrap up with one