Le Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO) et le Séminaire de l’Observatoire des communautés de connaissance : Communautés et Innovation sont organisés par le Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO; French: Observatoire des communautés de connaissance (OCC)) hébergé par le chaire de la recherche “Business as unusual : pratiques innovantes et nouveaux modèles d’entreprise” (Kedge Business
knowledge communities
Hong Kong Knowledge Management Conference (HKKMS/KMIRC Conference)**
The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Conference (HKKM, HKKMS or HKKMS/KMIRC Conference), initially the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKM Forum), is organized by the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (HKKMS) in partnership with Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC), formerly the Knowledge Management Research Centre (KMRC). The
Knowledge Architecture (KA)
Knowledge Architecture (KA) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
David Skyrme Associates*
David Skyrme Associates has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Controller Institut*
The Controller Institut (CI; English: Controller Institute), formerly the Österreichisches Controller Institut (ÖCI; English: Austrian Controller Institute),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training