Filed in: knowledge facilitator

Hidden Knowledge Facilitators in R&D Online Communities

Abstract: Some firms use hidden knowledge facilitators (HKFs) to facilitate knowledge sharing among employees within intrafirm online communities. These firms hope for enhanced knowledge sharing outcomes within their organizations without letting employees know that HKFs exist. Yet, the extent to which HKFs’ interventions are effective remains unknown to researchers and managers. Built on the

Knowledge engagement specialists’ competencies

Abstract: Introduction. The role of library and information science professionals as knowledge facilitators is solidly grounded in the profession’s theoretical foundations as much as connected with its social relevance. Knowledge science is presented in this paper as a convenient theoretical framework for this mission, and knowledge engagement services –knowledge brokering, knowledge readiness and knowledge

The Knowledge Strategist

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The knowledge strategist is critical to successful knowledge sharing in the organization. The organization’s effectiveness begins with an enterprise-wide knowledge culture, built on a knowledge strategy supported by successful KD/KS/KU, the operational result of the knowledge services strategic framework. The knowledge strategy matches the company’s management strategy, and to achieve KD/KS/KU success and ensure