Filed in: Knowledge Management career

Make Your Knowledge Management Career Recession-Proof

Abstract: There are many factors that can affect the success of individual organizations and whole industries. There are widespread economic booms and busts, global trade issues, competitive situations, changes in consumer confidence levels—the list goes on. But there are steps that all knowledge management experts can take to better position themselves and their organizations

Top 3 Successful Knowledge Manager Skills

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The specific tasks of an organization’s Knowledge Manager will depend on the size, needs, and capabilities of that organization. For example, some Knowledge Managers will manage large teams while others will be a one-person department. Generally speaking, Knowledge Managers work cross-functionally with departments and teams to establish company knowledge, improve its functionality, establish

Careers in Knowledge Management (KM)

Abstract: The field of KM offers several choices for careers, and the practice of KM applies to any career. Few blessings in this world compare with the joy of spending your days working at a career you enjoy. As a public space for self-expression, nothing beats your career. What you choose to work at

Knowledge Management Job Ladder

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Tony M. asks: Good day SIKM friends, My organization is exploring the possibility of having a dedicated KM career track/ job ladder. Having a KM job title is easy enough, but having a structured track is more involved apparently. For