In the South Africa KM LinkedIn Group Elmi B. asks: In our first Knowledge Conversations Hangout earlier today, one of the topics was the apparent scarcity of KM jobs in South Africa. For instance, graduates are skeptic about finding a job as a KM professional. Is that indeed the
Knowledge Management champion
Knowledge Management Careers and Skills
Careers in Knowledge Management Abstract: In this section I am going to take a look at what one needs to pursue a career in knowledge management. Below I will start by talking a bit about the kind of KM educations and courses one can find from a general perspective. In the other subsections
What sort of Knowledge Management training do you need?
Read more » Nick Milton: What sort of KM training do you need?
Pinoak Consulting
The Pinoak Consulting offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Zarządzania Wiedzą*
The Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Zarządzania Wiedzą, the Polish Society of Practical Knowledge Management 1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training