Filed in: Knowledge Management roles and responsibilities

Chief Knowledge Officer (Team)’s Job

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: At the highest level, Chief Knowledge Officer job, or CKO job, includes managing the processes, practices and technical specifications for the capture, retention and use/reuse of an organization’s knowledge. Many organizations infuse knowledge management into content creation and collaboration, distributing Chief Knowledge Officer job through content leaders, marketing, and line-of-business

Qualities of an Effective Knowledge Manager

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: When introducing knowledge management (km) strategy to an organisation, overcoming hurdles and helping people understand km is just the first step. What are the other key qualities of an effective Knowledge Manager? With the help of our km guru, Paul Whiffen, we explore some common km challenges and 7

Knowledge brokers in not-for-profit inter-organisational communities of practice

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: This study contributes an original, practice-based analysis of knowledge brokering in inter-organisational Knowledge brokering in the not-for-profit sector. Defining characteristics of the not-for-profit sector include its social values, principles and practices. Existing literature understates or overlooks the significance of values and principles that are manifested in and enlivened through every day social practices