Abstract: The two key players in knowledge management, Thomas Davenport and Larry Prusak, have several times expressed their admiration for librarians and have been heartened by the role they have begun to play in knowledge management. In their book Working Knowledge. How organizations manage what they know (1998) it is emphasised that the awareness
knowledge management skills
Leaders of Knowledge Initiatives: Qualifications, Roles & Responsibilities
Abstract: Sponsored by the cross-government Knowledge Management Working Group, working sessions were held through the year 2000 and continuing into 2001 to build an understanding of the concepts, roles, and importance of Knowledge Management. Participants from these sessions came from government, industry, and academia. The “stories” of the processes used and the results of
Successful Knowledge Leadership
Abstract: Understand and build the skills and abilities, behaviours, and techniques needed to drive KM success. Effective knowledge management demands equally effective leaders. Yet, what exactly is an effective knowledge leader? What are the attributes and skills needed? What are the challenges that knowledge leaders face and, importantly,
Knowledge Management through the Lens of LIS: A Study of Job Advertisements
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is influential as a concept and practice, referring to the capture, codification, and interpretation of knowledge. KM can be viewed as a form of library and information science (LIS) or a distinct professional area. Wider debates around the skills of newly qualified LIS workers, the LIS curriculum, and the current
Key qualities your Knowledge Management team needs
Abstract: One of the critical challenges for newly appointed Chief Knowledge Officers, Knowledge Chiefs, and KM team leaders is the composition of their team. Of course, you may not always have a completely free hand in putting together your team, particularly if the KM function in your organization predates your arrival to lead it.