Filed in: knowledge management skills

The modern day knowledge worker is…

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The concept of ‘knowledge worker’ which Peter Drucker coined in 1959, is perhaps not so clear (as shown again in a recent LinkedIn discussion – access potentially limited) and can be understood at least in two different ways: dedicated and other knowledge workers. Dedicated knowledge workers are the persons whose

Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?

Abstract: This paper seeks to establish the state of knowledge of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library and Information Services (LIS) professionals, the extent to which they find positions in the KM sector, the extent to which they practise identifiable KM processes in their work and the adequacy of educational preparation and professional development opportunities.

Implications of Knowledge Management for the LIS professions

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The present thesis attempts to describe the Knowledge Management (KM) field in terms of its relevance to the Library & Information Science (LIS) professions. The methodology employed was a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches including administration of a web-based survey and the conduct of in-depth interviews targeted at LIS professionals.

The Knowledge Management Team

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: This chapter provides an overview of the professionals who form part of the KM team. The key skill sets required to carry out KM responsibilities are described using a variety of frameworks. The new role of CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) and CLO (Chief Learning Officer) are introduced, and their evolution from the more