Abstract: Employing knowledge brokers is one way that universities and research centres have responded to the increasing emphasis on the wider usefulness and uptake of research beyond the academy. While there is an increase in the numbers of such professionals, there has been little focus on their roles, skills and development. In this paper,
knowledge management skills
Euro Training Global (ETL)
Euro Training Global (ETL), formerly Euro Training (ETL), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
London Knowledge & Innovation Network (LKIN)*
The United Kingdom based London Knowledge & Innovation Network (LKIN), until 2008 the London Knowledge Network (LKN), was an innovative not for profit membership community of practitioners, a peer group of like minded organisations from different sectors and industries across the whole of the London region that wished to increase the performance of their organisations
Multi-skilled Knowledge Management, Library and Information Manager
Abstract: Last night we ran our second joint evening coaching event with the Henley KM Forum. The evening was hosted by Jane McKenzie, Director of the Forum in the beautiful surroundings of Henley Business School. Our theme was ‘Jack of all (trades), master of none? – the multi skilled KIM professional’
Knowledge Management Competencies for Nigerian Academic Librarians
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the competencies perceived to be essential for successful knowledge management applications in Nigerian academic libraries. The paper was guided by five specific objectives. A cross sectional survey approach was used for the study. Questionnaire was the main instrument to collect data from one hundred academic librarians who participated