Filed in: knowledge management skills

Analyzing the Knowledge Management Job Market

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Nowadays companies have changed the way they do the business and have realized that they must explicitly manage their intellectual resources and capabilities in order to remain competitive. The consequence is a rise in demand for knowledge management professionals. Since knowledge management is an emerging discipline, presently there is no widely accepted competency

Knowledge Management for 21st Century Information Professionals

Abstract: Due to rapidly changing information and communication technology (ICT), library science has been incessantly evolving. The internet has further transformed the information society into to a global society. The knowledge explosion and ICT tools have equipped information and library science with immediate access to practically limitless sources, plus quick storage, retrieval and sharing

Knowledge Management Employment?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the Toolbox for IT Group Knowledge Management Career Prabal asks: Hi, I was wondering if there was anyone who can provide a meaningful response to my following query on knowledge management employment: 1). Does one need an in-depth technical background for a typical knowledge management job or general management i.e.