KM Insider (KMI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
knowledge management strategy
International Society for Knowledge Organization: Kenya Chapter (ISKO KE)*
The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Kenya Chapter (ISKO KE or ISKO Kenya)1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Global Knowledge Managers Survey Results 2023
Abstract: Developing transparency about and insight into a subject or community helps making better decisions. Sun Tzu formulated it slightly differently, but it was, and still is, critical. Learning about the global community of Knowledge Managers usually starts by asking questions. A long list is repelling for respondents, a
Guru Knowledge Fest
The Guru Knowledge Fest, organized by Guru Technologies, is exploring knowledge management strategies for the new world of work. Whether you’re in operations, communications, sales, or support, Knowledge Fest will leave you with a fresh perspective on how to collaborate, communicate, and create engaging employee experiences in the hybrid world.