Abstract: Jurgens Pieterse writes the Enterprise Design Strategy blog at ITToolbox and has a pair of articles on developing a KM competency: Four steps to develop a knowledge management competency Part 1 and Part 2. He focuses on the training, communications and knowledge worker rating systems one might need to create.
knowledge management training
What to put in an agile Knowledge Management training
Abstract: I was never trained on KM. I just learned it by doing. Errrr, I am learning it by doing. But if I was trained in agile KM next week, what would I love to find in such a training? Some people are wondering about exactly that on KM4Dev right now.
Neos Conocimiento y Aprendizaje
Neos Conocimiento y Aprendizaje (Català: Neos Coneixement i Aprenentatge; English: Neos Knowledge and Learning) and Knoco Spain1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
What sort of Knowledge Management training do you need?
Read more » Nick Milton: What sort of KM training do you need?
Study and Analysis of Malaysian Knowledge Management Practitioners’ Training Preferences
Abstract: As knowledge management (KM) is considered a multifaceted discipline in Malaysia, KM is still evolving. In fact, the transformation in the Malaysian government’s agenda on the Knowledge-economy has been reflected in the development of the Knowledge-based Economy Master Plan in the year 2001. From the social constructionist philosophical stance, this interpretive study uses