Abstract: This study aims to explain the theoretical aspect of KM in order to construct a new undergraduate program. Knowledge management as a discipline plays a crucial role at the undergraduate level in universities. Firstly, it is needed to create a common terminology from which the scholars can establish programs. Secondly, a set of
knowledge management
Online Info Sessions 10/2009: Online Master’s Degree in KM @ Cal State University Northridge, USA
In this Information Age, industries that manage and provide services, information and knowledge – especially those that cannot be outsourced – will continue increasing in size and demand. To manage the 21st century enterprise, leaders need to be savvy in utilizing relevant technologies, engaging modern communications, effectively managing distant and diverse staff, and leveraging global
Chief Knowledge Officer Necessary!
Abstract: Lately I’m increasingly convinced that without a Chief Knowledge Officer, KM is not likely to go very far in organisations. The KM function tends to be placed at mid level, obscured within a broader corporate function like Organisation Development. Seldom does it report directly to a senior manager. Even when it does, the
Integration of Knowledge Management with the LIS Curriculum
Abstract: The growing recognition of the importance of knowledge management (KM) has led to calls for curriculum review in Library and Information Science (LIS). Drawing on the findings of a research project on the implications of KM for LIS education, this paper examines the focus of current LIS curricula in addressing KM and
Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
Abstract: In today’s society the ability to practice individual knowledge management has become a core competence. Schools are still the most important institutions for education and thus it is their duty to prepare students for their future (professional) life. Imparting knowledge management competences is a basic necessity that can be beneficial for the schools