Abstract: THE revolution in the field of knowledge is gradually leading to the establishment of a knowledge society, a knowledge economy, knowledge organisations with knowledge workers, in the process giving a strong momentum to the all-pervasive concept of. ‘Knowledge Management’. Have we ever given a thought as to how the compositions of newer
knowledge society
International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management (ICKEM)*
The International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management (ICKEM; Turkish: Uluslararası Bilgi Ekonomi Yönetim Kongresi), formerly the National/International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress (BilKon/BeyKon; Turkish: Ulusal/Uluslararası Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi), aims to bring the researchers, experts, scientists, and practitioners working in the fields of Knowledge, Economy, and Management together; to provide an environment conducive
Educating Knowledge Managers: A Competence-Based Approach
Abstract: The emerging knowledge economy and society bring new challenges to organizations, managers and workers: the accelerating pace of innovation in products, services and processes; the growing importance of work that requires extensive education, experience and judgment; and the escalating complexity of knowledge, which becomes increasingly distributed and changeable, among others. The field of knowledge
Developing Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Competencies
Abstract: This paper proposes a curriculum framework in pre-service teachers training program to develop Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management competency. Supporting the sustainable development of teachers as professionals in the knowledge society is a critical issue in teacher education. Personal knowledge management (PKM) is an intertwined macro-competency that involves cognitive, metacognitive, information, social and learning
Course Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
Abstract: In today’s society the ability to practice individual knowledge management has become a core competence. Schools are still the most important institutions for education and thus it is their duty to prepare students for their future (professional) life. Imparting knowledge management competences is a basic necessity that can be beneficial for the schools