Abstract: Sponsored by the cross-government Knowledge Management Working Group, working sessions were held through the year 2000 and continuing into 2001 to build an understanding of the concepts, roles, and importance of Knowledge Management. Participants from these sessions came from government, industry, and academia. The “stories” of the processes used and the results of
knowledge worker
Leadership styles & knowledge management
Abstract: Behavioural and interpersonal skills most often cited as essential for successful knowledge management (acquisition). Unfortunately, little is known about the roles played by leadership in the process of knowledge acquisition. A survey of 227 persons who are, or have been engaged in knowledge acquisition activities was undertaken to investigate the relationship between different
The modern day knowledge worker is…
Abstract: The concept of ‘knowledge worker’ which Peter Drucker coined in 1959, is perhaps not so clear (as shown again in a recent LinkedIn discussion – access potentially limited) and can be understood at least in two different ways: dedicated and other knowledge workers. Dedicated knowledge workers are the persons whose
Will the Real Knowledge Managers Please Step Forward?
Abstract: The literature of library and information management of the past few years has periodically exhorted librarians to market themselves as skilled knowledge workers capable of taking over the emerging “knowledge management” function in their organisations. This paper challenges such a fanciful re-engineering of the librarian’s role and suggests that it is based on
Roles and skills for knowledge management – A TFPL Report
Abstract: This report is the results of the first ever research project to investigate the roles and skills required to create and maintain a knowledge environment. Much has been written about the theory of knowledge management and how it is being implemented, but until now little was known about the knowledge leaders and