Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway)

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Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway)Custom logo

The Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway; Norwegian: Lærende organisasjoner Norge (LOS Norge)), also known as the Learning Organizations Society in Norway, is the Norwegian chapter of the Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC). It was formerly known as the Academy for Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Academy; Norwegian: Akademiet for Lærende organisasjoner Norge (LOS Akademiet) and is a quasi-successor of the Stiftelsen Lærende Nettverk1) (English: Learning Network Foundation).

LOS Norway offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Lesesirkel LOS Norge

Lokale nettverk (Lokal Networks)

    Østlandsområdet (Eastern Norway; since Sep 2023)

Certification Courses/Training

Lærende organisasjon, lærende systemer kurset**2) (Learning Organisation, Learning System course) (1 year, 15 creddits)
(in cooperation with Østfold University College)

    Module 1: Stronger improvement culture
    Module 2: Complex adaptation systems
    Module 3: Leadership for Learning Organizations


Utviklingsverksted / Utviklingsseminar Piemonte (Development workshop/seminar in Piemonte) (5 days)
(in cooperation with the Institute for Learning Organizations)

    Apr 2023: Barrierer for læring? (Barriers to learning?)
    Jun 2022: Læringskultur og ledelse (Learning culture and management)
    May 2020: Fra lærende hverdag til lærende økosystem (From everyday life learning to learning ecosystem) (CANCELLED)
    MMM 2019: ?
    May 2018: topics learning system, systems thinking and learning management, and the pilot’s mirror
    May 2017: Systems Thinking and The Evolution of Organizations. Towards 5.0
    Apr 2014: Fundamenter for lærende organisasjoner (Foundations for learning organizations) (4 workshop/seminar in Castelnuovo Calcea)

Læringslosprogrammet** (Learning pilot program) (3 days)
(in cooperation with the Institute for Learning Organizations)

    Module 1: Adaptive learning culture
    Module 2: Quality development and design
    Module 3: Learning leadership and systems thinking

Seminarer & Verksteder (Seminars & Workshops)

    Oct 2023: Systemtenking with Obeya
    Nov 2018: Accelerating Leadership: Evlevating your impact on organization (CTL and SoL Norway Seminar, w. PWC); Fra TKL og Lean til lærende organisasjoner (LOS Norge and Høgskulen på Vestlandet Dagseminar)

    Feb 2018: Open Participation in Organizations (OPO): Core principles and practices for self-managed, high performance teams (CTL and SoL Norway Foundations course) (3 days)
    Feb 2017: Open Participation in Organizations (OPO): Core principles and practices for self-managed, high performance teams (CTL and SoL Norway Foundations course) (3 days)
    Nov 2016: Learning Leadership Effectiveness: Three steps to take (CTL and SoL Norway Workshop #1)
    Mar 2016: The fifth discipline (1 day)
    Aug 2013: Learning loss seminar (2 days)

A little better every day: How can we work on improving and developing practice through systematic learning? (evening seminar series @ LOS Larvik)

    Nov 2019: Team Skills
    Sep 2019: combining improvement and learning tools
    Apr 2019: We go through some simple methods of how we can do this as a natural part of daily operations and what results it can produce
    Mar 2019: Developing Eramet as a learning organisation

LOS Norge Studieture (Study Tours)

    Sep 2024: Japan – Lean and learn study trip (1 week)

    Sep 2023: Japan – Lean and learn study trip 2024 (1 week)
    Jun 2023: Sweden – Lean, learning and sustainable production (2 days)

    Nov 2022: Japan – Lean and learn study trip 2024 (1 week)
    May 2022: Volvocars (1 day)


Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen)*

    The Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen), sometimes also known as the LOS Stevnet (LOS Convention), initially the Læringslos stevnet (Learning pilots convention) includes keynotes and learning cases’ presentations on topics related to the learning organization. In 2018 the conference was held as Nordic Learning Summit. (A Nordic Learning Summit for 2015 was planned but probably not realized)

Laerende Nettverk Conferences

  • Laerende Nettverk Høstkonferansen (Fall Conference; 1998-2000?)
    • 2000 Theme: When the New Economy meets the Ordinary Working Life
        Workshops: The network organization; Web-based scenario learning; The new economy
        Pre-conference Idea workshops: The good life at Grünerløkka; The new working life; New technology and e-commerce

    • 1999 Theme: Philosophy as a common thread
        Workshops: Learning gardens; The meeting place; The good working day; Learning communities
        Official launch of the Laerende Nettverk
        Start of focus groups

    • 1998 Theme: The Learning Workplace

    • 2nd SOL Europe Conference (ConferSense), August 1-4, 2000, Håholmen (near Molde), Norway
      Conference Theme: Learning Naturally
      (Organizer: Laerende Nettverk (SoL Norway); SoL Sweden)


    Jun 2021: Systems thinking
    Mar 2021: Lean and Learning in a Digital World
    Apr 2021: Leadership (Lean & Learn webinar)
    Feb 2021: Learning to lead, leading to learn (meet the author)
    Jan 2021: Learning and Business Results

    Dec 2020: Behind Lean Sensei (meet the authors)
    Jun 2020: 21st Century Skills
    May 2020: Designing the Future (meet the authors; Lean & Learning webinar)
    Apr 2020:The Lean Sensei (meet the authors; Lean & Learning webinar)

    Apr 2018: The link between learning organization and lean (Nettmøte; meet the author)
    Jan 2018: Nettmøte med Bob Emiliani


Losdag/LOS-dag (LOS Day)

    Feb 2025: Stein på stein mot økt læringskapasitet (Heldags LOS-samling)

    Prosjekt SMART 5.0. Nordic Door og SINTEF
    Tavlemøter som fundament for kontinuerlig forbedring i BaneNor
    Forbedrings-KATA i Elverum kommune
    Kontinuerlig forbedring i Interkommunalt arkiv, Møre og Romsdal

    Mar 2023: Losdag Trondheim: Learning in digitalization projects (w. annual meeting)
    Mar 2023: Losdag Giljastølveien: Flow, employee involvement and cross-functional learning from one of Norway’s most exciting companies (w. annual meeting)

    Jun 2018: Losdag Ålesund: LEAN as a learning strategy

    Nov 2017: Losdag Hamar: Interaction in supply chains, relational coordination and dialogue tools
    Feb 2017: LOS-dag Kristiansand: Visual management of digital processes

Lesesirkel (Reading Circle/Book Club)

    Feb 2025: The Lean Sensei

    Dec 2020: Flock, not Clock (2018)
    May 2020: Designing the Future

Nettverkssamling Østlandet (Eastern Norway network meetings)

    Feb 2025: TBD

    Nov 2024: Læringscase om tavlemøter som fundament for kontinuerlig forbedring (Learning case about whiteboard meetings as a foundation for continuous improvement)
    Aug 2024: Gameification og Improvement KATA (Gamification and improvement with KATA)
    May 2024: Team development at HR in Oslobygg & Organizational development and the OKR method (Objectives and Key results) at Gyldendal


    2024: Mars 14-16 Digitalt

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