The Corporate Learning Community (CLC), formerly Corporate Learning Alliance (CLA), and Corporate Learning Community (CLC) or Community of Training Practice (CoTP) within the employers’ association Hessenmetall, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Massive Open Online Courses
Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning Trend- & Community Day (SCIL Trend- & Community Day)*
Der Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning Trend- & Community Day (SCIL Trend- & Community Day), Nachfolger des International Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning Congress (Int’l SCIL Congress) bzw. des Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning Kongress (SCIL Kongress), wird vom Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) am Institut
Universität Potsdam
The Universität Potsdam (English: University of Potsdam), formerly the Brandenburgische Landeshochschule Potsdam (BLH) and the Pädagogische Hochschule „Karl Liebknecht“, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM; English: University of Technology Malaisia), formerly the Institut Teknologi Kebangsaan (ITK; English: National Institute of Technology), the Treacher Technical College, and the Treacher Technical School, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU; Chinese: 香港理工大学), formerly the Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong Technical College, and the Government Trade School, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training