U.K. Government Knowledge & Information Management Professional Skills Framework

Oliver Morley (Ed.): Government Knowledge and Information Management Professional Skills Framework. Government Knowledge & Information Management Profession, April 2009

Copyright © The Knowledge Council. All rights reserved.

Revised versions:
October 2012, October 2013, April 2016 (Six role guidance documents no longer available), 2022

Related resources:

  • Karen George: Have your say…. the Government KIM Specialist Skills Framework. Government Libraries Journal, Volume 19 No. 1, February 2009: 3-4. | Full text from publisher »
  • Andrea J Drewett: Revalidation and the GKIM Professional Skills Framework. Government Libraries Journal, Volume 19, No 3, November 2009: 4-6. | Full text from publisher »

  • Homepage of the Government Knowledge and Information Management (GKIM) profession
    • current, archive
    • Job profiles of the “6 core KIM roles” & GKIM profession diagram
      • Librarian (PDF, 147KB, 12 pages)
      • Information Manager (PDF, 145KB, 7 pages)
      • Knowledge Manager (PDF, 127KB, 5 pages)
      • Records Manager (PDF, 144KB, 7 pages)
      • Information Architect (PDF, 128KB, 5 pages)
      • Information Rights (PDF, 134KB, 5 pages)
    • GKIM Learning Pathway – Continuing Professional Development for the GKIM Profession (2020)
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