Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM; English: University of Technology Malaisia), formerly the Institut Teknologi Kebangsaan (ITK; English: National Institute of Technology), the Treacher Technical College, and the Treacher Technical School, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI)1)
- Human Capital and Knowledge Management Research Group (HuCKM)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department of Advanced Informatics
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil)/Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Informatics (reseach cluster: Information Systems > Social Media and Knowledge Management)
Perdana Centre of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil)/Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Policy Studies (reseach cluster: Knowledge Management)
Human Capital and Knowledge Management Research Group (HuCKM)
- International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management (ICHCKM)**
The biennial International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management (ICHCKM or HCKM) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on the latest issues on the topic areas of Human Capital, Knowledge Management and the Learning Organization. It also provides field for discussion, collaboration and opportunity seeking for all those interested in any of these fields of research and practice among researchers, practitioners, government, business, and communities.
Conference Themes:
2021: Managing Human Capital and Knowledge Management in Business and Social Organizations Under “the New Normal”: Evolving Theories and Practices
2017: Human Capital and Knowledge Management: Enablers for Digital Society
2015: Human Capital, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization for Business Sustainability
2013: Human capital and knowledge management in the age of information
Faculty of Computing2) > Department of Information System
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) @ UTMx
- Information Systems (IS) and Knowledge Management (KM)**2)
As a primer subject, this course will introduce students to information systems and technology (IS/IT), as well as its uses in daily life both at home and at work. Various aspects of IS/IT encompassing hardware, software, network, communications, internet, multimedia, graphics and systems applications will be presented. This subject also covers the concepts, frameworks, and implementation of Information Systems and Knowledge Management for organisations. Several relevant case studies will be discussed to show the application of IS and KM.