Victoria University (VU)*
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The Victoria University (VU), formerly the Footscray Institute of Technology and the Footscray Technical School, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Business and Law > Victoria Graduate School of Business (VGSB) > School of Management and Information Systems (MIS) 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Business (Management Practice) (Specialisation: Innovation and Knowledge Management)
2002-2007 Specialisation Units: (select 4) 1)
BMO5577 Competitive Innovation Management
BMO5650 Managing Organisation Knowledge
BMO6622 Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO5602 Business Project Management
BMO6624 Organisation Change Management
- Knowledge Management Symposium, May 2012
A two-day Business Management Symposium examining and discussing Knowledge Management (KM) in the 21st Century-
The Application of Knowledge Management Systems in a Scientific Environment
The Success of Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Methods of Sharing Knowledge within Big Companies
The Practical Implementation of Sharing Knowledge
Managing Knowledge of the Future
Current Tools and Techniques of Knowledge Management in Practice
How Information Flows in a Bureaucratic Structure
Knowledge Management Reflecting on Here and Now
VGSB Seminar Series
- Mar 2012: ‘Knowledge Management’ – an Oxymoron?