Association of Knowledge Work (AOK)*
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The Association of Knowledgework or Knowledge Work (AOK), formerly the Association Knowledge Management Network (KM-Net) hosted by The Forbes Group, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- AOK Future Center Group
- Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Collaboration; The Impact Between Knowledge Management and Learning; Knowledge Management & Social Media; The Value of Knowledge Management; Core Knowledge Management Strategy; Content Management; Innovation
- K-Counselors Network (was: K911 Knowledge Network)
- Communities of Practice (CoPs)
- Knowledge Management/Strategy; Knowledge Work/Systems; Knowledge Architecture/Structure
- Past CoPs (2000): Governance & Strategy, Executive & Management, Association Executives & Staff, Benchmarking & Best Practices, Research & Development, Human Resources & Education, Communication & Marketing, Technology & Information Systems, Healthcare Professionals, Library & Archives, Support Staff, Public Sector, Higher Education (staff), Higher Education (student)
Accreditation Programs
- Knowledge Recognition Program for Knowledge Professionals 1)
- Level 1: Recognized Knowledge Practitioner (RKP)
Level 2: Recognized Knowledge Professional (RKPro)
Level 3: Recognized Knowledge Mentor (RKM)
Level 4: Member of the Knowledge Professional Roundtable (KPR)
- Short Course in Knowledge Management
- Introduction
Understanding knowledge
Auditing knowledge
Restructuring for knowledge
Changing the work culture
Building knowledge networks
Utilizing computer technology
Getting started - Knowledge Management Seminars and Workshops (2 hours – 2 days)
- Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture Workshop
- Face-to-face Meetings
- Mar 2002: AOK Work(Fun)Shop & Playing the Knowledge Management game
(in conjunction with the Enterprise Learning & Knowledge Exchange Summit, Mar 13-15) - Nov 2001: AOK Meeting of the Future
(in conjunction with the Chief Learning Officer Summit, Nov 12-15, sponsored by Linkage, Inc.)
- Mar 2002: AOK Work(Fun)Shop & Playing the Knowledge Management game
- AOK Star Series/Dialogues
- AOK Future Center Knowledge Cafes (online,
face-to-face) 2)- Feb 2009: The world is in crisis, how can we here contribute best in these tough times to heal it?
- AOK Future Center Group Meetings
- Oct 2008: Stars Dialogue Round Table: AOK – The Future Center for Knowledge Work
- Jan 2008: “Herzliya, Israel” Group
- Dec 2007: “Washington DC” Group
- Nov 2007: “London, UK” Group, “Pheonix, Arizona, US” Group
- Knowledge Professional Roundtable (KPR) meetings (twice a year)
- Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange Summit (ELKE Summit), March 13-15, 2002, Palm Springs, CA, USA
(Presented by the Association of Knowledgework (AOK) in conjunction with the Delphi Group)AOK Work(Fun)Shop
Pre-conference Virtual Roundtable (AOK Star Series/Dialogues): 3)
Preparing for Conversations with an AOK Panel: A Roundtable of AOK/Delphi Summit Speakers, Feb 2002
Is AOK still operational ? I am writing a KM chapter for a book,
Thank you very much.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 29, 2020 – Boris)