Australian River Restoration Centre (ARRC)*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

The Australian River Restoration Centre (ARRC) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Land & Water Australia (LWA)1) Knowledge for Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Program2)
- Friends of the Regional Knowledge Resource Kit
A Yahoo! Group which is supporting and assisting the Regional Knowledge Leaders and the development and implementation of Regional Knowledge Strategies across Australia.
- (CANCELLED) Sharing Water Knowledge Forum, 29-30 March 2011, Albury, NSW, Australia
(Co-organizer: Murray-Darling Basin Authority, CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country, National Water Commission, E-Water)-
How our perceptions, biases and relationships impact on our knowledge sharing and communication approaches
Latest research findings concerning water quality monitoringWorkshops: (“knowledge” relevant)
Indigenous knowledge and cultural flows; Science communication and storytelling; Innovation and creativityWorld Cafe:
Topics TBD - Knowledge for Managing Australian Landscapes, 18-19 May 2010, Canberra, Australia
Sub-title: The Legacy of Land & Water Australia (LWA)1) (aka the Land & Water Australia Legacy Conference)
(Organizers: Triple Helix Consulting, Australian River Restoration Centre; Hosts: Australian Academy of Science, Australian National University)-
This conference explored the knowledge that Australia needs to better manage its natural resources in an increasingly challenging policy, social and biophysical context.
It did so through the lens of the research portfolio of Land & Water Australia. Leading Australian researchers and NRM practitioners were asked to distil the lessons from the 1800 or so projects/programs funded by LWRRDC/LWA over the last 20 years.
The conference considered the specific knowledge content and remaining gaps in four broad themes as outlined below, and also how best to procure, coordinate and manage the associated research activities and outputs.Conference Sessions:
Knowledge for managing Australian landscapes
People, institutions and policy
Sustaining primary industries
Australian landscapes and ecosystems
- Information and Knowledge Management Strategy training course3)
How to Develop a Regional Knowledge Strategy (according to the ARRC Information and Knowledge Resource Kit)
- Tailored Knowledge Management and Sharing workshops
- Anecdote Circles and Social Network Analysis workshop (2 days)
- Storytelling workshop: Using storytelling for sharing knowledge (1 day)
- Science communication and storytelling workshop (1 day)
- Communication and Creativity workshop (1 day)
- Connecting through Conversation workshop: narrative techniques for organisational knowledge sharing (1 or 2 days)
Techniques covered: Anecdote Circles/Sensemaking, Most Significant Change (MSC), Knowledge Café/World Café, Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Deviance, Reverse Brainstorming
Knowledge for Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Program2)
- Regional Knowledge Leaders training workshop (2 days)3)
How to Develop a Regional Knowledge Strategy (according to the Regional Knowledge Resource Kit)
Introduction, What is the Regional Knowledge Resource Kit (RKRK)?, Background
Getting started on a Regional Knowledge Strategy
Stage 1 – Engage region & information mapping
Stage 2 – Conduct surveys
Stage 3 – Anecdote circles
The RKRK wiki & Google Group, The National Resources management (NRM) Toolbar, End of Day 1 review
Stage 4 – Sensemaking & action planning (3 Sessions)
Stage 5 – Implementation (2 sessions: Getting going and keeping on, Moving to action)
Wrap-up - Regional Knowledge Strategy Stage workshops
Stage 1 – Engage region & information mapping (1 day)
Stage 2 – Conduct surveys (3-4 weeks – several 10 min. online surveys)
Stage 3 – Anecdote circles (2-3 days – several 2 h workshops)
Stage 4 – Sensemaking & action planning (1 1/2 days)
Stage 5 – Implementation (every 3 months – review pogress) - Core Group Knowledge Leaders training workshop (4 days)
- How to work with knowledge providers workshops (2 days)
Record of science & research providers workshop
Indigenous knowledge providers workshop
Local knowledge providers workshop