University of Hull*
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The University of Hull, formerly the University College Hull, a spin-off of the University of London, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Hull University Business School (HUBS)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Centre for Management and Organisational Learning (CMOL) Research Programs
- Mres in Business and Management / Mres in Economics (Specialization: Management and Organisational Learning)
- MPhil in Business and Management / MPhil in Economics (Specialization: Management and Organisational Learning)
- PhD in Business and Management / PhD in Economics (Specialization: Management and Organisational Learning)
Executive Education
- MSc Knowledge Management (
full-time, part-time)**1)- 2006/07:
Knowledge Management: Methods, Tools and Techniques
Systems Thinking
Professional Skills Development
Knowledge Management: Processes in Practice
Corporate Strategy
Organisational Development and Learning
- 12th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS 2011), July 17, 2011, University of Hull, Hull, UK
(jointly with the 55th Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, Jul 17-22; Organizer: International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences) - New research in management and organisational learning, November 15, 2005, Hull University, Hull, United Kingdom
(In association with the British Academy of Management)- Organisational Learning: A Strategic Turn
Learning Shock; The Trauma of the Return to Formal Learning
Researching Learning Practice in Organisations
Plenary Discussion