The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Belgium (B)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Belgium
International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference)
The International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference) is the annual conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC), covering Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. It intends to showcase innovative, inspirational and multidisciplinary research in a relentless pursuit towards excellence in the study of Knowledge Organisation.
International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC)*
The biennial International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC or Networked Learning Conference), initially the Networked Lifelong Learning Conference (NLC), is an international research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development. Since 1998 NLC has been an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination
KnowRight – International Conference on the Interaction of Knowledge Rights, Data Protection and Communication**
The KnowRight – International Conference on the Interaction of Knowledge Rights, Data Protection and Communication, organized by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), focuses on the interaction between Intellectual Property Rights, Information Rights, ethical issues, civil society and information technology. It is a forum for discussions between business, civil society and adminstration organised and mediated by
Knoco – Knowledge Management Consultants, formerly Knowledge Transformation® International (KTransform™),1) and its francisees offer the following Knowledge Management education and training