Abstract: This deliverable describes the efforts provided and the results obtained within the first project year of TCBL (July 2015 to June 2016) related to the management of knowledge relevant for the T&C industry in the so-called Knowledge Spaces (KS). Work has been done mainly in the framework of WP2 “Knowledge Exchange”, in particular
Working Papers
Working papers relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Knowledge Organization Competencies Project
Abstract: Matt Moore and Patrick Lambe developed a draft competency framework for knowledge organization professionals in support of the inaugural “Innovations in Knowledge Organization” conference held in Singapore in June 2015. With the support of ISKO we then tested this framework within the larger professional community through a global survey attracting almost 150 responses
The Chief Knowledge Officer has a key role!
Abstract: The subject of intellectual capital has been discussed by many organizations, and defined by some. Yet very few individuals understand intellectual capital, and almost no one has been able, formally at least, to put a value on it. That’s why knowledge management (KM)–how an organization makes use of its intellectual capital–is one of
Chief Knowledge Officer Wanted!
Abstract: One of the key challenges for business executives in the knowledge era is to manage intellectual capital. Drawing upon: (1) the author’s personal experience as CKO of Knexa.com – the world’s first knowledge exchange auction; and (2) the relatively nascent literature on the roles and responsibilities of CKOs, this paper highlights five perspectives
Knowledge Brokering and Intermediary Concepts
Abstract: Broadly defined, knowledge brokers and intermediaries are concerned about sharing knowledge for decision making and change.This discussion sought to explore the different terms that are used in relation to these actors and understand more about their roles and functions.In its examination of terms, this discussion pointed to a nested set of roles which