Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation (GKPF)*
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The Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation (GKPF), formerly the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and Global Knowledge, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Global Knowledge Conference (GK)**
The Global Knowledge Conference (GK) is a conference series for those involved intimately in advancing Knowledge and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for development.
- 3rd Global Knowledge Conference (GK3), 11-13 December, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Emerging People, Emerging Markets, Emerging Technologies-
Pre-conference Workshop (Dec 9-10):
Leading Networks: Facilitation, Knowledge and LearningConference Tracks:
Emerging People; Emerging Markets; Emerging Technologies; Special: Cross-CuttingDiscussion Panels:
Emerging Markets: Is There a Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid?; New Jobs and Employment Opportunities; Visions of the Future; The Future of the Internet: Opportunities and RisksPanel Sessions & Workshops:
ICT for a Multilingual Knowledge Society; Engendering the Knowledge Society: Measuring Women’s Participation; The Future of Knowledge Management and Web 2.0 – Visions and Challenges; Collaborative Tools and Techniques for Strengthening Networks; Open Access: Sharing Research, Expanding Resources; Knowledge Transfer for Development – Approaches to Community Empowerment and Future Strategies; Emerging Knowledge Opportunities (The Progress of ICTs in Asia-Pacific and Other Parts of the World); Transforming Publishing Practices to Enhance Access to Knowledge for Development; BBC World Debate – The Future of Learning: Appropriate Technology; Building Knowledge Societies, What Makes the Difference?; High Level Panel on ICT Policy and Knowledge Societies; Exploring the Future of E-Government: Knowledge Engineering for Results; Accelerating Inclusion Through Knowledge Sharing; Learning from Stories Shared by Empowered ‘Homepreneurs’ and Tele-Workers in the Information Economy; Emerging Learning Mechanisms for Emerging Markets; …GK3 Exhibition; IdeaFactory Creative City Exhibition
Co-located Events:
UNCTAD – WIPO – UNESCO – UNU “Knowledge Sharing for Development” – UN Inter-Agency Meeting on South-South Cooperation (Dec 13); Idea Factory: IdeaCity with participants of Creative Team - 2nd Global Knowledge Conference (GKII), 7-10 March, 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Building Knowledge Societies: Access, Empowerment, Governance
(Host: Government of Malaysia)-
Plenary Sessions:
BUILDING KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES: Improving Quality of Life: Addressing the Information Divide; Opportunities and Challenges for the Nation State: Transforming Governance and Empowering People; Knowledge and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Framework and Tools
REPORTS: Roundtable sessions; Youth, Women, and Media Forum ; GK Forum; GKP Action SummitGlobal Knowledge Forum:
ROUNDTABLES: Enabling Effective Participation in Decision-Making; Empowering People Through the Knowledge-Based Economy; Maintaining Cultural Diversity in the 21st Century; Promoting Life-Long Learning; Collaborative ICT Development and Initiatives for Global Prosperity; Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Protection
WORKSHOPS: Language, Colonialism and the Net: Issues of Access and Participation; E-Sovereignty – Redefining National Sovereignty in the age of Information Technology; Knowledge Facilitation; Freely Redistributable, Open Source Software; Malaysia’s MSC Flagship Applications; Dare to Lead – Knowledge Capital at Work
KNOWLEDGE FAIR: Kiosk-based exposition; Knowledge Sharing Sessions
STUDY VISITSCo-located Events:
GKII Women’s Forum (6-7); GKII Media Forum (6-10); GKII Youth Forum: Role of Youth in Building Knowledge Societies (Mar 9); GKP Action Summit & Meeting (Mar 8-10)GKII Lead-Up Events:
ASEAN Regional Workshop on Building Knowledge Societies, 26-27 January 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Towards a South Asian Knowledge Network (TASKnet), 23-24 November 1999, New Delhi, IndiaAfrican Development Forum (ADF): The Challenge to Africa of Globalization and the Information Age, 25-29 October 1999, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
National Consultative Workshop on GKII Themes, 15 June 1999, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaConnecting Knowledge in Communications: Bridging the Gap between Training and Employment, 14-17 April, 1999, Montreal, Canada
Building the Information Community in Africa (BICA), 22-24 February 1999, Pretoria, South Africa
- 1st Global Knowledge Conference (GK97), June 22-25, 1997, Toronto, Canada
Conference Theme: Knowledge for Development in the Information Age
(Host: World Bank; Government of Canada)-
Plenary sessions:
The Global Knowledge Agenda; Investing in Knowledge; Investing in Knowledge Infrastructure; Global Knowledge: Partnership for Women and Men; Knowledge for Good Governance; Globa Knowledge and Local Culture; The Challenges Ahead; Partners for the FutureConference tracks / Working Sessions:
Empowering the Poor with Information and Knowledge; Role of the State: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for the Information Economy; Infrastructure and Capacity Building; Fostering Science and Technology in Developing Countries; Knowledge Flows, Civic Dialogue and the Informed Citizen; Distance Education and Technology for Learning; PartnershipsCo-located Events:
Knowledge and Technology Forum (with Open Space); Virtual Conference Activities
Regional GKP Conferences
- Global Knowledge Partnership Regional Conference for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 15–16 April 2004, Kiev, Ukraine
Conference Theme: National Information Society Development: from Strategy to Action
(Organizer: Ukraine Information Society Foundation; Supported by: International Renaissance Foundation, United Nations Development Programme, and Directorate of Russian e-Development Partnership of the Institute of the Information Society) - Global Knowledge Russia International Conference, 9 December, 2002, Moscow, Russia
Conference Theme: Partnership Networks as Tools to Enhance Information Society and Knowledge Economy Development
(Organizer: Institute of the Information Society in coordination with the GKP Secretariat and in cooperation with the Ministry of RF for Communications and Informatization, World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Global Internet Policy Initiative with support by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Global Knowledge Partnership (Official Sponsor) and other Russian and foreign organizations) - (CANCELLED) Global Knowledge Russia International Conference, 28-29 September, 2001, Moscow, Russia
(Organizer: Global Knowledge Partnership, British Council in Russia, World Bank Institute Moscow Office, Institute of the Information Society, International Forum “Global Experience and Russian Economy”, etc. )-
Preconference Round Table “Global Knowledge Russia”, 30 March 2001, Moscow, Russia
(in conjunction with the international conference “Information Society and Intelligent Information Technologies of XXI Century”)