Hochschule Reutlingen*
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The Hochschule Reutlingen (English: Reutlingen University), formerly the Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Reutlingen (FHTW Reutlingen), Staatliche Ingenieurschule Reutlingen, Staatliches Technikum Reutlingen, Königlich Württembergische Technikum für Textilindustrie, and the Webschule Reutlingen, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
ESB Business School1) > ESB Research Institute (ESB-RI)*2)
- Knowledge Economy International Scientific Conference (Ke)**
The Knowledge Economy International Scientific Conference (Ke) aims to develop and to introduce new ways of how to make the acquisition of knowledge by small and medium enterprises more effective and how to turn this knowledge into new products and services. The perspectives of the various contributions are characterized by a mixture of theoretical and practical approaches to facilitate new insights for all participants. This conference is designed for people from higher education and industry who have an interest not only in this topic but also in cooperating beyond the conference.
Conference History:
- KE 2008, October 9-10, 2008, Reutlingen University, Germany
Conference Theme: Knowledge Economy – Chances and Challenges for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises-
Schumpter on Innovation
Small and Medium Enterprises and Information Technology: Knowledge Transfer in the Era of Global NetworkingWorkshops:
Workshop Innovation and Management
Regional Economic CompetitivenessPlenary Discussion and Presentation of Workshop Results
- KE 2007, September 27-28, 2007, Reutlingen University, Germany
Conference Theme: Knowledge Economy – A Multilayer Challenge for European Regions-
Conference Program n.a.
Knowledge and Innovation
Regional Economic Competitiveness
Socio-Economic Environment for a Knowledge Economy
- KE 2008, October 9-10, 2008, Reutlingen University, Germany