International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC)**
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The annual International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) provides a meeting point for scholars and practitioners interested in the field of Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities. A growing, international, diverse and dynamic community every year welcomes leading scholars, young researchers, and scholar-practitioners to present and discuss their research and practice.
The International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) was established in 2006 by a merger of the European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC), organized by the Warwick Business School (since 2000), and the biennial International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (OLK), organized by Lancaster University Management School (since 1996). OKLC, initially the “Managing Knowledge Conference”, and a Warwick BPRC Conference on “Knowledge Management: Concepts and Controversies”, aimed to share insights concerning the state-of-the-art research on Organizational Knowledge & Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and the New Competitive Advantage of Firms in the Knowledge Economy.OLK, formerly the International Conference on Organizational Learning, the Academy of Management Midyear Conference on “Organizational Learning: Moving from Theory to Research”, and initially the “Symposium on Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization”, aimed to explore the different aspects of the relationship between learning, knowing and the organizing process from the perspective of the passion for knowledge.
Conference History:
OLKC 2024, Oslo, Norway (CANCELLED or POSTPONED)
OLKC 2023, June 14-16, 2023, Riga, Latvia
Conference Theme: Building for Innovation: Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities in New Enterprises
(Host: TBD)
Conference Program TBD
OLKC 2022, September 7-9, 2022, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden
Conference Theme: Learning future workforce capabilities for global sustainability
(Host: University West, School of Business, Economics and IT, Division of Informatics)
Conference Tracks:
General conference theme track
Perspectives on collaboration for sustainable organisational learning
Collaborative approaches to work-integrated learning
Learning and organizing for digital transformation
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 7)
Doctoral Student’s Day
Keynotes: (tentative)
How the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics influence organizational knowing through processes of re-assessment and re-configuration
Sustaining and resonating knowledge: Integrating embodied, narrative, and abstract-symbolic representations at work
eOLKC 2021, 25-26 May 2021, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Organizational Learning and Epistemic Ambiguity
(Host: Aalborg University, Institute of Learning and Philosophy)
Pre-conference Workshops: (May 24)
Doctoral Consortium
Interorganizational learning, its transition to organizational learning, and vice versa
Explorations of links between innovation and Learning Organizations and Organizational Learning (LO/OL)
Keynotes: 2 Keynotes (TBD)
OLKC 15, 23-24 April 2020, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Bridging Organizational Learning – Collaboration and Co-Production in the 21st Century
(Host: Aalborg University, Institute of Learning and Philosophy)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 21-22): Doctoral Workshop/Days (Organizational Learning in a Changing World – Tomorrows’ Solutions for the Problems of Today)
Keynotes: 4 Keynotes (TBD)
General Track Sessions: TBD
Thematic Tracks: Sustainable Organizational Development; Crafting Sustainable Organizations Based on Action-oriented and Collaborative Approaches to Organizational Learning; Inter-organizational Learning: Where are We Now and Where are We Going?
Workshops: TBD
OLKC 14, 24-26 April 2019, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: The Human Side of Innovation – Understanding the Role of Interpersonal Relations in an Increasingly Digitised Workplace
(Host: University of Sussex Business School)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 24): Doctoral Consortium (Exploring Online Spaces using visual metaphors)
General Track Sessions: Institutions; Digital work; Organisational learning; Job design; Sustainability; Leadership; Epistemology; Linking industry and academia; Human focus; Healthcare; Human and Social Capital; Knowledge Management; Digital workplaces; SME’s; Action and Practice; Innovation in practice; Digital healthcare; Coordination; Digital cultures and inclusion;
Subtracks: Changes in era of digitalisation; Algorithms at work; Learnings from unintended and unexpected outcomes of innovation
Discussion Panels: How do organisational members cope when technology and humanity collide? (CANCELLED); The future of work in an increasingly digitised workplace: inertia, embracement or resistance
Professional Development Workshops: Management Learning: Journey to Publication; Strategic Communication: Teaching Leaders on Developing and Implementing Organizational Communication Campaigns
Unconference (Apr 25, 16-18h)
OLKC 13, 26-27 April, 2018, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Learning to make a difference
(Host: University of Liverpool, School of Management)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 25): OLKC Doctoral Symposium/Day
Keynotes: Learning with Differences: Processes of Interorganizational Collaboration; Character Infused Organizational Learning
General Track Sessions: ´Capabilities; Communities of Practice/ION; Education; Human Resource Management; Innovation&ENT; Learning Theory; Academic Identity in Neo-liberal Times; WP_LEARN; DEVPAPER; PL_Papers
Symposia: Action Learning Symposium (by the International Action Learning Research and Practice (ALR&P) community); Senuous Learning Symposium (by the GNOSIS 2020 network); Power, Politics and Emotions in Organizational Knowing and Learning Symposium
Workshops: Growth Catalyst: Searning in Small Firms; Learning to Publish (IN IJMR); Learning to Make a Difference in Interagency Working between Criminal Justice and Welfare Systems
OLKC 12, 26-28 April, 2017, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Conference Theme: Inspirational Learning
(Host: University of Valladolid, Department of Business Organization and Marketing and Market Research)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 26): Doctoral Workshop; Teaching workshop: Enhancing and assessing critical thinking
Keynotes: Inspirational learning: Dimensions and Dynamics (keynote dialogue); Knowledge and functional stupidity
General Track Sessions: Human resource management; Learning and relationships; Learning capabilities; Leadership; Practice and learning practices; Projects; Innovation; Ambidexterity; Unlearning and teams; Social capital and knowledge sharing; Networks and strategy; Absorptive capacity and entrepreneurship; Knowledge management, Knowledge seeking and knowledge sharing; Inspirational learning; Collaboration, social systems and creativity; Ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities; Inspirational learning studies; Learning capabilities and new approaches to learning; Knowledge studies and social systems; Knowledge, knowing and belonging at work; Leadership and innovation
Symposia: Power, Politics and Emotions in Organizational Knowing and Learning: Identifying problems and mobilizing possibilities
Panels: Inspirational Learning (Scholar-Practitioner Panel)
Associated Events:
Organizational Stupidity (Talking About Organizations Podcast #32), Aug 2017
OLKC 11, 26-28 April, 2016, St. Andrews, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Conference Theme: Past, present and future – creativity and innovation for sustainability
(Host: University of St. Andrews, School of Management)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 26): Doctoral Workshop
Keynotes: 2 Keynotes
General Track Sessions: Liminality, Brokerage and Creativity; Experiencing Non-Organisation; Organisational and Dynamic capabilities; innovation; Creativity, Leadership and Future Approaches to Learning; Workspaces; Practice Based Studies; Sustainability; Innovation and Learning in Healthcare; Organisational Learning Frameworks; Inter-Organisational Learning; Organisational Crisis, Falure and Breakdowns, Non-Learning and Hindering Learning, Leader Behaviour, Character and Learning; Organisational Learning and Ambidexternity; Discourses of Becoming and Learning; Sustainable Organising
Symposia: Power, Emotions and Organizational Learning Symposium: Past Contributions, Present Ideas and Future Opportunities; Re-Innovation in the Public Sector Symposium; Action Learning: Questioning Relevance and Developing Impact Through Action Learning and Research Through Scholarly Practice
Associated Events:
On the Value of Conferences (Talking About Organizations Podcast #12), Jun 2016
OLKC 10, April 9-11, 2015, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Authors in practice, practical authorship
(Host: )
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 9): Doctoral Consortium; Teaching Workshop; Paper Development Workshop
Keynotes: Situated Authoring: How We’ve Moved On (keynote dialogue); One turn…and now another one. Do the turn to affect and the turn to practice have something in common?
General Track Sessions:
Symposia: Using Activity Theory: Experiences of Organizational Authorship; Authoring Epistemic Practices: How Inter/Professional Knowledge is Manufactured
Panels: Co-Production of Knowledge
OLKC 9, 22-24 April, 2014, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Conference Theme: Circuits of Knowledge
(Host: BI Norwegian Business School, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour and Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 22): Doctoral Consortium; Teaching workshop on “Facilitating the circulation of knowledge: From experience to reflection to theory, or the other way around”; Paper workshop on “Practice-based approached to learning and knowledge”
Keynotes: Circuits of Power/Knowledge; Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation
General Track Sessions: Knowledge Sharing and Integration; Knowledge Practices, Communities of Practice and Practice Based Studies; Change and Innovation; Organizational Learning and Reflexivity; Capabilities and Knowledge Creation; Knowledge, Power and Politics
Symposia: Knowledge Practices across and between Private Enterprises and Public Organisations
The World Café – Round table discussions
OLKC 8, 25-27 April 2013, George Washington University, Washington, USA
Conference Theme: Translation, Transition & Transmission
(Host: George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and Human Development)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 25): Doctoral Consortium; Teaching Workshop on “Managing Expectations – The Negotiation of Power Relations Within and Outside the Classroom”; Action Learning Workshop; Research workshop on “Trans-Discipline & Trans-National Research”
Keynotes: 1 Keynote
General Track Sessions: Organizational Change; Knowledge Management; Capabilities; Organizational Learning; Innovation; Identity and Learning; Knowledge Sharing; Social Learning, Learning, and Time; Knowledge and Professions; Knowledge Transfer; Dynamic Capabilities; Ambidexterity; Processes for Learning; Transmission and Coordination; Collective Learning and Reflection; Inter-Organizational Learning; Leadership and Change; Learning and Sensemaking;Knowledge Diffusion and Organizational Structures; Knowledge Practices; Learning Organizations; Crisis and Learning;
Symposia: Transitioning, Transmitting, and Translating Sensemaking: Bridging Scholar-Practitioner Insights (Karl Weick Symposium)
Panels: Translation, Transition & Transmission (Knowledge Management Panel)); Affective Learning and Valuing: Re-imagining the Dynamic Co-emergence of Conception/Perception or Cognition/Emotion (Affective Learning Dialogue); Reflections on the Future (Closing Panel)
OLKC 7, 2012, 25-27 April 2012, Valencia, Spain
Conference Theme: Shedding new lights on organisational learning, knowledge and capabilities
(Host: University of Valencia, Faculty of Economics)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 25): Doctoral Consortium; Teaching Workshop on “Shedding New Lights on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities – in our teaching practices”
Keynotes: From organizational learning to practice studies: Learning and unlearning in mastering a practice; Organizational Unlearning
General Track Sessions: Organizational Learning; Knowledge; Capabilities; Innovation; Organizational Learning and Knowledge; Practical Organizational Learning
Symposia: Organising Processes
OLKC 6, 12-14 April 2011, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Conference theme: Making Waves
(Host: University of Hull, Business School)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 12): Doctoral Consortium; Teaching Workshop on “Making Waves in the Classroom & Sharing and Reflecting on Our Teaching Practice”
Keynotes: Teaming: How the Learning Organization Works; Making Waves: ‘An Invitation to Learn to Dance Another Way’
General Track Sessions:
OLKC 5, 3-6 June 2010, Northeastern University, Boston, Boston, USA
Conference Theme: Learning to innovate; Innovating to learn
(Host: Northeastern University, College of Business Administration)
Pre-conference Workshops: Doctoral Consortium (Jun 3-4); Teaching Workshop on “Learning and Innovation in the Classroom” (Jun 3); Online Learning in Graduate Education (Jun 3)
Keynotes: 2 Keynotes
General Track Sessions: Research in Progress; Organizational Contributions to Activity Theory; Learning in Healthcare; Using Technology in Organizational Learning; Learning in Service Firms; Research & Practice & Management Programs; International Knowledge Management; Tools for Innovation; Management of Tacit Knowledge; Innovations in Project Management; Organizational Learning and Entrepreneurship; Cognitive Aspects of Organizational Learning; The Effects of Technological Change; An Institutional Theory Perspective to Knowledge Management; The Role of Technology in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing and University-Industry Collaboration; Networks and Knowledge Integration; Inter-organizational and Inter-group Learning; Knowledge Development in Practice; Organizational Learning in Practice; Knowledge Management in Practice; Learning and Organizational Learning; Policy Implementation; Practice Based Knowledge Creativity; Organizational Learning and Performance; Shared Learning; Strategy and Learning; Perspectives on Knowledge Creation; Organizational Learning and Innovation
Symposia: Honoring Crossan, Lane, and White and the 4I Framework of Organizational Learning
Special Stream: Universalist, local and glocal perspectives on management learning (CANCELLED?)
Panels: Knowledge Management & Learning at World Bank (academic/practitioner panel)
OLKC 4, 26-28 April 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Connecting worlds
(Host: VU University Amsterdam, Knowledge, Information, and Networks Research Group)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 26): PhD Workshop: How to get published
Keynotes: Past, present and future directions in organizational learning and knowledge management research; Keynote 2
General Themes (Sessions): Connecting distributed knowledge (Distributed knowledge and virtual teams; Connecting research and industries; Connecting organizations 1: inter-organizational collaboration; Regional clusters; Networks and learning); Managing knowledge and innovation (Research and development; Absorptive capacity; Knowledge Management; Innovation; Knowledge management Concepts; Knowledge systems / Crossing boundaries; Communities of practice); Learning in and about organizations (Power issues; Organizational learning and HRM ; Organizational learning in health care chair: Sue Newell; Inter-organizational learning ; Workplace learning; Learning in situations); Capabilities in context (Developing capabilities; Cultural issues; Education; Web 2.0; Communication; Institutions and regulations)
Roundtables: Practice theories for organizations; Knowledge Management for development; Action Research
Panels: Expert Panel
OLKC 3, 28-30 April 2008, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Danmark
Conference Theme: The Many Senses of Organisational Learning and Knowing
(Host: University of Aarhus, Danish School of Education and Copenhagen Business School)
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 27-28): PhD Workshop: How to get published
OLKC 2, 14-17 June 2007, London, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: Learning Fusion
(Host: University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey Scool of Business)
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 13-14): PhD Workshop
Keynotes: 1 Keynote
Sessions: Capability; Emotions and Politics; Networks; Education; Multi-Level; SME; Time Scarcity; Practice; Individual; Boundaries; Creativity; Group; Knowledge Management; Measure & Method; Consultants; Institution; Knowledge Sharing; Paradox & Tensions; Policy & Practice; Knowledge Transfer
OLKC 1, 20-22 March 2006, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
Conference Theme:
(Host: University of Warwick, Business School, IKON Research Centre)
Pre-conference Workshops (Mar 19-20): PhD Workshop: Writing and Publishing
Keynotes: Replicating organizational knowledge: From theory to practice; Trapped in the 20th Century? Why Models of OLKC Do Not Fit Bio-Pharmaceuticals (and What to Do About That); From stabilization knowledge to possibility knowledge in organizational learning
Tracks: …; Practitioner Track (organized by the Knowledge and Innovation Network)
6th OKLC European Conference 2005, 17-19 March, 2005, Cambridge (Boston), Massachusetts, USA
(Host: Bentley College, Department of Management)
Pre-Conference Workshops (Mar 17): PhD Workshop
Keynotes: Knowledge and Failures of Imagination; Material Knowing; Limits to community: Communities of Practice after 15 years on the beat
Conference Tracks: Academic Track; Practitioner Track
5th OKLC European Conference 2004, 2-3 April, 2004, Innsbruck, Austria
(Host: University of Innsbruck, Centre of Strategic Management & Leadership)
Pre-Conference Workshops (Apr 1): PhD Workshop (in collaboration with EDAMBA – European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration)
Keynotes: Managing the Five Learning Cycles of the Competent Organization; Siemens – Bringing the Global Network of Innovation to Life; Communities of Practice as Inter-Generation-al Relations
Conference Tracks: Academic Track (Managing Organizational Knowledge and Competence; Intangible Assets and Social, Intellectual and Cultural Capital; Knowledge Creation and Innovation; Communities of Practice, Knowledge Networks and Networking; Epistemology of Knowledge; Leadership and HRM in Knowledge-based Organizations); Practitioners’ Track
Panel Discussion
4th OKLC European Conference 2003, 13-15 April 2003, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: University of Navarra, IESE Business School)
Keynotes: Molding Middle Ground – Intended Rationality and Theories of Learning; Knowledge Management Strategies in Use; UNION FENOSA Corporate University: Teach and Learn from Experience; Intellectual Capital: The Longitude of Wealth
Conference Tracks: Academic Track (Theorizing on Organizational Knowledge and Organizational Learning; Organisational Learning, Knowledge & Firm Strategy and Performance; Organizational Knowledge and Knowledge Management Practical Aspects (IT, Knowledge and Organizational Learning; Knowledge Creation and Construction; Organizational Learning Inhibitors; HR Management, Knowledge and OL; Capability Development and Potential; Teams and Learning; Knowledge and Organization Management); Knowledge and Learning across Boundaries (Organizational Learning Social Dimensions; Networks; Knowledge Transfer and Absorptive Capacity; Knowledge Across Borders; Knowledge Sharing); Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Organization (Organizational Design, Knowledge and Organizational Learning; Organizational Change; Teams and Learning; Knowledge Measurements; Intellectual Capital); Practitioner Track (Knowledge Transfer Experiences; Collaborative Learning; Knowledge Management and Chief Knowledge Officers)
KMedu relevant:
Reflections of a Knowledge Officer
3rd OKLC European Conference 2002, 5-6 April 2002, Athens, Greece
(Host: Athens Laboratory of Business Administration)
Keynotes: Double-Loop Learning and Implementable Validity; The Knowledge-Based View of the Firm: A Review and Appraisal; Knowledge in Theories of Adaptation and Innovation: Operationalizing Knowledge in Evolutionary Economics; An Epistemological Perspective on Organizations and Innovation – How Can Organizations Afford Knowing?; Customer Relationship Management in a Networked World; Sustainable Development 2010: The Way Towards the Knowledge Society (Distinguished Guest Speaker)
Conference Tracks: Academic Track (Organisational Learning; Knowledge Creation and Organizational Innovation; Information Technologies and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Strategies, Organizational Competencies, and Competitive Advantage; Human Resources, Knowledge Work, and Knowledge Management; Acquiring, Sharing and Transferring Knowledge; Explorations of Organizational Knowledge; Practices of Managing Knowledge; Journal of Management Studies Doctoral Colloquium); Practitioners’ Tracks
Panel Discussions: Knowledge Management and Public Policy; Knowledge Management and the Management of Human Resources; Knowledge Management and Information Technologies; Higher Education in the Knowledge Economy
2nd Managing Knowledge Conference 2001, 10-11 April 2001, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques
(Host: University of Leicester, Management Centre)
Keynotes: Where does new organizational knowledge come from?; Managing knowledge in a worldwide organization; Moody Knowledge
Themed Sessions: Learning in Organizational Contexts; Deconstructing the Management of Knowledge; Knowledge stocks and flows; Representation of Knowledge; Managing knowledge across boundaries; Knowledge Communities; Knowledge, Innovation and Change; Researching the management of knowledge
Panel discussions: The new production of knowledge
BPRC Conference, 10-11 February, 2000, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: Concepts and Controversies
(Host: University of Warwick, Business Process Resource Center; Co-organizer: University of Leicester, Management Centre)
Keynotes: Cynefin: a sense of time and place the social ecology of knowledge management; Objects, Absences and the Social Construction of Knowledge
Themed Sessions: Knowledge Management in practice; Knowledge work; Complexity; Role of technology; Knowledge Management, innovation & change; Critical reflection; Organisational structure and memory; engineering perspective; Trust
6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (OLK 6), 9-11 June 2005, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Conference Theme: The Passion for Learning and Knowing
(Host: University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research, Research Unit on Cognition Organizational Learning and Aesthetics)
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 8): PhD Workshop/Seminar
Keynotes: Do not cross the passion line: the aesthetics translation of a performance; The collective repression of ‘pathos’ in the tradition of organization studies; Women’s ways of knowing: is it all about love?
Conference Themes: Social creation and destruction of knowledge; Knowledge management (passion or possession?); Multivoicedness of learning, development and knowing; Role of artifacts of knowing; Passion for measuring (and how to measure the passion); Tacit and aesthetic nature of knowing; Role of feelings and emotions in face-to-face and distant teaching and learning.
Art space: “heart” – Stefano Cagol presents the art installation prepared for the conference
5th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (OLK 5) 2003, 30 May – 2 June 2003, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Organisational Learning: ‘The Third Way’
(Host: Lancaster University, Management School, Management Learning Department)
Keynotes: 3 Plenary Talks
Conference Themes: Nature of Learning and Knowledge; Social Processes of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management; Learning Across Boundaries; Strategy, Competitiveness and Learning; Methodology
4th International Conference on Organizational Learning 2001, June 1-4, 2001, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
(Host: University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business)
Conference Theme: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management: New Directions
Keynotes: Opening Plenary; Final Plenary
Conference Themes: Theorizing about Knowledge and Learning; Group Knowledge and Learning; Experience, Memory and Learning; Organizational Learning and Change; Knowledge Transfer and Learning
Conference Sessions: Tacit/explict knowledge; Knowledge and learning in virtual environments; Learning, identity and change; Experience, sensemaking and learning: lessons from the field; Knowledge transfer and metaknowledge; Individual and organizational competencies; Knowledge transfer, technology and learning; Power and barriers to learning; Incidents and group learning; Organizational memory and forgetting; Work practice and learning; Simulating, modeling, and experimenting; Purpose and motivation in knowledge transfer; Change and learning – evidence from the field; Cultural barriers and learning; Group coordination and requisite variety; Learning and conflict; Theorizing about organisational learning and knowledge management
Round Tables: Theme 1; New Directions
3rd International Conference on Organizational Learning 1999, 6-8 June 1999, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: —
(Host: Lancaster University, Management School, Management Learning Department)
Conference Streams: Organizational learning & strategy; Knowledge management & organizational learning; International & inter-organizational learning; Organizational learning & communities of practice; The politics & ethics of organizational learning; Organizational learning & learning organization interventions; Charting & measuring organizational learning; Teams & organizational learning; Miscellaneous
Academy of Management Midyear Conference 1998, 22-23 March 1998, George Washington University, Ashburn, Virginia, USA
Conference Theme: Organizational Learning: Moving from Theory to Research
(Host: George Washington University, Institute for the Study of Learning and Executive Leadership Program)
Talks, discussion groups, and hands on simulations
Panel Dialogue: Theory Development, Epistemological and Research Paradigms, and Meaning and Measurement
Symposium on Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization 1996, 1-3 September 1996, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Theoretical Developments
(Host: Lancaster University, Management School, Management Learning Department)
Hello how can we know more details on deadline abstract submission and registration to participate in the upcoming conference.Thank you and wish you a nice day.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 27, 2023 – Boris)
hello how can we know more details on deadline abstract submission and registration to participate in the upcoming conference.
thank you and wish you a nice day
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 15, 2023 – Boris)
please could you explain to me how we can assist to the next conference.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Mar 5, 2023 – Boris)
Dear Saif, at the moment we do not offer such an alert service. What you could do is to browse the conferences page, find/select relevant conferences and “Add” them to your favorites list. Then you just need to check if they are updated from time to time.
Pls note that Organisational Learning but Knowledge Management is the primary focus of the KMedu Hub, although the two concepts are strongly interrelated.
Sunny regards from Germany,
Boris – for the KMedu Hub.
Please let me know the next coming conference on organisational learning. I am a PhD student specialized in the same field of study.
Hi Shaif, to make it easier for you to browse all the conference pages listed on the KMedu Hub we just added them to the KMedu events schedules (see “Conferences” tab). In future we will provide a regional search, too. – Boris