International Society for Knowledge Organization: Canada/United States Chapter (ISKO C/US)
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The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Canada/United States Chapter (ISKO C/US), formerly the International Society for Knowledge Organization: North America Chapter (ISKO-NA), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Student Section of the International Organization of Knowledge Organization at the School of Library, Archival and Information Science, University of British Columbia* (ISKO-UBC; 2011-?)
- North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)*
The biennial North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO) is the conference of the ISKO C-US chapter. It is held in conjunction with the chapter’s biennial General Assembly.- Symposium Themes:
2025: Multi-Purpose Knowledge Organization (KO): Risks, Challenges and Opportunities
2023: Who Are We?: Reflecting, Shaping, and Challenging Identity Through Knowledge Organization
2021: Resilience, Resistance, and Reflection: Knowledge Organization at a Crossroads
2019: Knowledge Organization: Community and Computation
2017: Visualizing Knowledge Organization: Bringing Focus to Abstract Realities
2015: Producing Knowledge Organization
2013: Transition Cultures, Transition Knowledge Organization: Evolving Exploration, Critical Reflection, and Practical Work
2011: Expanding Our Horizons, Evaluating Our Parameters
2009: Pioneering North American Contributions to Knowledge Organization
2007: Knowledge Organization, Classification Systems, and Controlled Vocabularies Adjust to New Technologies and Service Areas– What are YOU Doing? - International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO) 2008, 2000, 1996
- 10th International ISKO Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 5-8, 2008
Conference Theme: Culture and identity in knowledge organization- OCLC / ISKO-NA Pre-conference Event (Aug 5):
Everything Need Not Be Miscellaneous: Controlled Vocabularies and Classification in a Web World - 6th International ISKO Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 10-13, 2000
Conference Theme: Dynamism and stability in knowledge organization - 5th International ISKO Conference, Washington, DC, July 15-18, 1996
Conference Theme: Knowledge organization and change
- 10th International ISKO Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 5-8, 2008
General Assembley (biennial @ NASKO)
- Jun 2023 @ NASKO (9th), July 2021 @ NASKO (8th), June 2019 @ NASKO (7th), Jun 2017 @ NASKO (6th), Jun 2015 @ NASKO (5th), Jun 2013 @ NASKO (4th), Jun 2011 @ NASKO (3rd), Feb 2010 (2nd) @ ISKO Conference, Jun 2009 @ NASKO (1st)
Chapter Meetings @ Conferences/Events
- …?, ASIS&T 2011, iConference 2010, ISKO 2010 Conference
ISKO-UBC Meetings
- Feb 2014: Niche Classification Systems (panel discussion w. CHLA/ABSC student interest group at SLAIS)
Jan 2014: Paul Otlet: The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World (brown bag event)