Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium)*

Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium)*

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The Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium) or the Transformative Knowledge Management Research Area Symposium (Japanese: トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域 シンポジウム), quasi-successor of the JAIST International Symposium on Knowledge Science (ISOKS 2016) and the Knowledge Science Symposium (KSS; 2001-2013; Japanese: 回知識科学シンポジウム) is organized by the Transformative Knowledge Management research area hosted by the School of Knowledge Science (until 2016: Graduate School of Knowledge Science) at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). Thus it is also known as the Transformative Knowledge Management Research Area Symposium (Japanese:トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域 シンポジウム).

Conference History:

3rd Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management, March 21, 2024, JAIST, Tokio, Japan / Virtual venue

Symposium Theme: Knowledge transformation in digital economy and society

    Language: English

    Invited Talks:
    Advancements in Transformative Service Research: Key Principles and Innovationas
    Technology Management in Digital Economy
    Data Development to Integrate AI Utilization and Knowledge Management

    Presentations: JAIST TKM Research
    Digital Knowledge as a Strategic Asset to Create Value
    A Knowledge Graph in Care-givin Services

2nd Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management, December 12, 2023, JAIST, Nomi, Japan / Virtual venue

Symposium Theme: Knowledge transformation for planetary well-being

    Language: English

    Gaining Sustainable Performance through Green Servitization
    The effect of both sides operational flexibility in capacity investment under uncertainty
    Multiple utilization of biodiversity in Sarawak, Malaysia

    Sustainable service leadership and its educational framework
    Revisiting the water environmental science in Orlicz spaces
    Collaboration with outsiders in advancing community based social development

1st Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management, January 16-17, 2023, JAIST, Tokio, Japan / Virtual venue

Symposium Theme: Thinking about next-generation knowledge management
(Supporter: Society for Serviceology)

    Language: Japanese (Jan 16), English (Jan 17)

    JAIST’s approach to knowledge management research and education

    Invited Talks:
    Digital Transformation and knowledge management
    AI-enhanced collective transactive memory
    Intelligence amplification through new design thinking
    Designing a customer digital digital engagement

    Knowledge management operational strategy for creating shared value
    Creating knowledge toward well-being economy

    Lectures: Latest topics in technology, services, and knowledge management
    How will the ‘place’ of knowledge creation change in the era of coronavirus?
    Regional Changes Due to Changes in Ways of Thinking: Kanazawa and Kagawa
    Design Theory of Business Ecosystems : Creating an economic sphere from internal knowledge
    Entering Transformative Knowledge Management for Green Innovation”

    Panel Discussions:
    Thinking about next-generation knowledge management
    Knowledge twin: concept and possibilities
    Closing panel

    Consultation meeting

JAIST International Symposium on Knowledge Science (ISOKS 2016), March 14-15, 2016, Kanazawa, Japan

(Organizer: Academic Field of Knowledge Management, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Session: Service science and knowledge science
    ”Entanglement” of Knowledge Science and Service Science: a personal perspective
    Service Capability in the Context of Japanese Creative Services
    Knowledge and Value: A Service Marketing Perspective
    Transformative service research for improving collective well-being
    On Business Ethnography: Anthropological methods for identifying
    customers hidden needs
    Framework for Sharing the Design Processes of Peer Support Services for Diabetics
    Understanding How We Learn: A Case Study on Learner-Mentor Interaction Model
    Developing a Service Communication Base based on Business Process Modeling: Description of Exception Handling in Service Encounters
    Knowledge in Philosophy and X-Phi

    Session: Systems science and knowledge science
    Creativity and Systems Methodology
    From Systems Thinking to Systems Intelligence – Bringing Human Behavior into the FocusRecent Development of Games with Unawareness
    Language and communication in knowledge co-creation from the viewpoint of language evolution
    A Shape of Agent-Based Modeling to Come
    Integrated Uncertainty Modelling for Data Mining and Decision Making

    Session: Innovation management and knowledge science
    Innovation Design and Management for Advanced Smart Society (Society 5.0)
    Software Engineering of Uncertainty in the Third Economic Revolution Era
    Community resource development: Role of knowledge in ensuring biocultural diversity
    Formal Modeling of Systems and Its Applications
    Industrial Big Data Analytics and Industry 4.0 for Future Manufacturing & Service Innovation
    Technology and Innovation Management: Research, Teaching and Integration in Practice
    Integration of Theoretical, Experimental, Computational and Data-Centric Sciences: The case of Materials Informatics

    Panel discussion:
    The future of knowledge science

15th Knowledge Science Symposium, June 8, 2013, Osaka, Japan

Symposium Theme: Creating Knowledge

    Knowledge management in the nonprofit and public sectors
    Electronic conference system that creates group knowledge
    System methodology for knowledge creation
    Exploring consumer experience value

14th Knowledge Science Symposium, November 13, 2011, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Multidimensional development of knowledge management

    Medical Knowledge Management
    Tacit knowledge trap in knowledge management
    Knowledge Management: A Transactive Memory Perspective
    Creative office and knowledge management
    Interorganizational knowledge creation in integral industrial architecture
    Knowledge management activities in space development projects

13th Knowledge Science Symposium, November 14, 2010, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Creating social reality through media technology

    Knowledge Media Design
    Human “Content” Interaction
    Development of communication that revitalizes relationships and places
    What Information Media Technology Aims: Why Culture in the Age of Environment?

    Poster presentations:
    Science Illustration – Collaboration between scientists and illustration creators
    Development and evaluation of a creativity test using chemistry subjects in secondary education
    Proposal of a comment collection support system for presentations considering time constraints
    A service value creation model in the co-creation process that integrates the SECI model and the service theater model
    Regional environmental issues – Research on promoting the biomass town concept
    Dynamic hierarchical structure of currencies and power law in duration – Analysis using an artificial market model considering liquidity preference and geopolitical asymmetry
    Constructive research on symbolic communication as a chain process of generation and sharing
    A computational approach to characterizing nucleosome dynamics
    Bolelog: An iterative knowledge creation promotion system using various forms of informal communication
    Procedural modeling based on graphs or simulations
    Survivors’ knowledge created through networks through the “difficulty of living”?A case study of expressive activities related to “illness”
    Toward proposing a design method based on imagination maps
    Designing corporate decision-making using engineering methods
    Attempt to elucidate the basis of body knowledge and its formation mechanism
    Research on how to construct technical ideas using patent knowledge
    Notification method aimed at both continuation of work and correction of behavior

    Panel discussion

12th Knowledge Science Symposium, November 22, 2009, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Creating communities and services – Change! Choices that change lives and society
(Co-host: Information Processing Society of Japan; Co-sponsor: IEEE Technology Management Council Japan Chapter)

    Invited lectures:
    Can Japan transform into a knowledge-based society?
    System Design for Future Society: Emergence of Open Universities and Development of Human Resources Full of Entrepreneurial Spirit
    Service Innovation and Service Science
    Initiatives for service innovation human resource development program

    Poster presentations:

11th Knowledge Science Symposium, October 19, 2008, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Science and Creativity
(Co-sponsor: IEEE Technology Management Council Japan Chapter)

    PART 1: Approaches to creativity
    Invited lectures:
    – Ideas and creativity seen from the brain
    Lectures: Initiatives at the Graduate School of Knowledge Science
    – Elderly dementia care and creativity
    – Language evolution and creativity
    – Cultural anthropology and creativity

    PART 2: Panel discussion – Future vision of knowledge science
    Presentation: Main idea: Prospects of knowledge science
    Panel Discussion: Expectations for knowledge science

    Poster presentations:

Graduate School of Knowledge Science 10th Anniversary Symposium, March 2, 2008, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Achievements and Prospects of Knowledge Science: From the First 10 Years to the Next 10 Years
(Co-sponsor: IEEE EMS (Engineering Management Society) Japan Chapter)

    Invited lectures:
    Managing the flow of knowledge – from knowledge of things to knowledge of things

    Current status of knowledge management theory
    Looking back at the JAIST Tokyo MOT (Management of Technology) course from its establishment to the present – Thinking about the direction we should aim for
    Ontology Engineering as a Foundation for Knowledge Level Communication
    Aiming to realize universal media that expands the scope of knowledge creation
    New trends of network science – Towards safe and secure social infrastructure
    21st Century COE Program Results Report and Future Development
    Conclusion – The next ten years of knowledge science-

    Poster presentations:

9th Knowledge Science Symposium, March 18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Creation and Social Innovation

    Social Innovation and Leadership

    Knowledge-creating local governments: theory and practice
    Improving human skills and revitalizing the region: Nanao City Regional Revitalization Project
    Towards next generation management of technology (MOT): Service science and integrated strategy roadmapping

    Poster presentations:

8th Knowledge Science Symposium, March 18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Mathematicizing knowledge

    How do we foster and develop mathematical thinking? Science, technology and human resources
    Why is mathematical literacy necessary? Current situation in Japan and efforts by American industry
    Why scientific literacy? Intersection between science and society as seen from the media
    Life and Mathematics – Between tacit and explicit knowledge

    Panel discussions:
    Mathematical knowledge – Message to science and engineering students

    Poster presentations:

7th Knowledge Science Symposium, March 19, 2005, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Science and New Education Course
(Co-Sponsor: IEEE EMS (Engineering Management Society) Japan Chapter; Japan Creativity Society)

    Invited lectures:
    Knowledge media supporting global design

    From knowledge science to integrated science and technology course concept
    COE attempts in knowledge science – As a place to practice “science for society”
    Trial of the Tokyo MOT course — Concept, practice, and new developments
    About the knowledge media creation education course concept
    E-Nightingale Project: Towards the construction of a knowledge sharing system based on understanding everyday behavior and situations
    Experiential educational media and its applications


6th Knowledge Science Symposium, March 6, 2004, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Creation and practice of science and technology based on knowledge science (21st Century COE Program “Creation and Practice of Science and Technology Based on Knowledge Science”)
(Co-Sponsor: JAIST Center for Strategic Development of Science and Technology)

    Repression from absolute values ​​(common feature between self-establishment process and creative research)
    Practicing science and technology creation at Shimadzu Corporation
    Knowledge structuring and knowledge base in nanotechnology
    Knowledge creation support environment and knowledge coordination
    Knowledge creation techniques in consulting
    Knowledge creation consulting practice at research and development sites

    Introduction to the Graduate School of Knowledge Sciences and the 21st Century COE Program
    Graduate School of Knowledge Science Laboratory Introduction

    Poster presentations:

5th Knowledge Science Symposium, October 13, 2003, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Processes, spaces, and systemization of knowledge creation (21st Century COE Program “Creation and Practice of Science and Technology Based on Knowledge Science”?

    Information technology that supports the knowledge creation and utilization cycle
    Design thinking process in creating artifacts
    Knowledge creation process and creation of knowledge creation spac
    Support for creative activities based on knowledge systems
    Intellectual production support based on annotation Koichi Hashida (AIST, Science and Technology Corps)

    Overview of the 21st Century COE Program

    Panel discussions:
    Knowledge Creation Process, Places and Tools

    Co-located conferences:
    International Conference on Innovation in Management of Technology (MOT), Oct 14-15
    Conference Theme: Advanced science and technology management towards a knowledge-based economy

4th Knowledge Science Symposium, March 8, 2003, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Aiming to integrate technology and management knowledge: MOT (Management of Technology) education in Japan
(Co-host: JAIST Fujitsu Chair for Science of Complex Systems)

    Technology Management from the Perspective of Knowledge Science
    Issues and strategies for technology management in Japanese companies

    Introduction to the Graduate School of Knowledge Sciences

    Panel discussions:
    MOT education in Japan – current issues and challenges for the future

    Poster presentations: (Knowledge Science – Keywords for reorganizing knowledge)

3rd Knowledge Science Symposium, November 23, 2002, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Research in Complex Systems/Bioinformatics
(Co-host: JAIST Fujitsu Chair for Science of Complex Systems)

    Introduction to the Graduate School of Knowledge Sciences

    Language evolution research as a knowledge science
    From complex systems brain theory to dynamic knowledge science
    Bioinformatics and grid computing
    Genomic drug discovery corporate strategy and bioinformatics
    Genetic knowledge spiral: bioinformatics in the post-genomic era

    Poster presentations:

2nd Knowledge Science Symposium, May 25, 2002, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge and Media
(Co-host: JAIST Fujitsu Chair for Science of Complex Systems)

    Introduction to the Graduate School of Knowledge Sciences

    Development of knowledge creation buildings and informal communication
    Meme media: media architecture that enables reediting and redistribution of intellectual property
    CG as an expression medium
    Tangible Bits: A knowledge expression medium that can be directly manipulated by groups
    Awareness Communication: Media Communication for Knowledge Creation

    Poster presentations:

1st Knowledge Science Symposium, 27. Oktober 2001, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: n.a.
(Co-sponsor: Japan Knowledge Management Society)

    Special lectures:
    Knowledge science and knowledge management

    Knowledge dynamics created by “place” and “community” ― A new challenge for the advanced corporate community aiming for knowledge management
    Future management of technology (MOT) based on knowledge science – How to restore Japan’s industrial competitiveness
    XML-based next-generation web, Semantic Web, WebService – How should knowledge management be utilized?
    Toward the realization of a knowledge creation building – Building Cyber ​​JAIST
    Approaching environmental issues from knowledge science

    Panel discussions:
    The relationship between humans, organizations, and computers in knowledge science

    Poster presentations:

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