Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI)
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The Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- KMSI Certification (TBC)
- Smart Knowledge Mapping (Knowledge Management Short Course)
– 2018: May, June
- Knowledge Management Summit Indonesia (KM Summit)* 1)
- Menyelamatkan Indonesia dengan Perekonomian berbasis Pengetahuan, 3. November 2012, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
(Organizer: Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), School of Business & Management, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) and KMSI)-
Keynote & Discussion Panel:
Strategi Ekonomi Pembangunan Nasional berbasis Pengetahuan - Saving Indonesia’s Economy with Knowledge-Based Economy, 27 Oktober 2012, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
(Organizer: Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), School of Business & Management, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) and KMSI)-
Indonesia Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) ConceptDiscussion Panels:
Knowledge-Based Economy
Knowledge-Based Company/Corporate University
Knowledge Management Webinar Series (w. Magnet Solusi Integra)
- Jul 2022: The Role of Knowledge Management in Organizational Innovation (Peran Knowledge Management Dalam Inovasi Organisasi); The Role of Knowledge Workers in Knowledge Management (Peran Knowledge Worker dalam Knowledge Management); The Role of Knowledge Management and Technology to Improve Organizational Performance (Peran Knowledge Management dan Teknologi untuk Meningkatkan Performa Organisasi)
- Jun 2022: Knowledge Management to create Good Corporate Governance (Knowledge Management untuk menciptakan Good Corporate Governance); Why is Knowledge Management Important for Organizational Success (Mengapa Knowledge Management Penting untuk Kesuksesan Organisasi?)
SBM Webinar Series
- Feb 2021: Implementation of knowledge management toward the electronic-based government system (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik) (w. Agency for the Study and Application of Technology (BPPT) and Institut Teknologi Bandung, School of Business and Management)
KMSI Book Reviews
Aug 2022: The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action
KMSI Day/Forum and Sharing Sessions (every 3 months)
Nov 2023: How to Strengthen the Potential of Human Thinking and Learning in the Digital Age (KM Sharing w. The New You Institute)
Aug 2020: New Learning Organization (KM Sharing w. CK4BC, SBM ITB)
Oct 2018: Disruption in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Mar 2018: Knowledge Management Millenial – Smart Millenial
Jan 2018: KMSI Knowledge Sharing Forum
Jul 2017: KMSI Knowledge Sharing Forum
Sep 2016: Informal Knowledge Sharing between Generation X, Y, Z; Knowledge Management in the Digital Era
May 2016: Enforcement Management: Do We Need It in Knowledge Management Implementation
Jan 2016: Why Knowledge Management Fails?; Pain and gain in implementing a Knowledge Management Program
Apr 2015: Buliding Knowledge Management in Indonesia (Feb 2015 follow-up)
Feb 2015: Why the implementation of Knowledge Management in Indonesia is not going well and what to do (KMSI Knowledge Cafe workshop @ ICHCKM 2015)
Sep 2014: Gurteen Knowledge Cafe on Conversational Leadership
Jun 2014: Leadership Behavior, Perceptions of Organizational Support, Intensity of Knowledge Sharing and Job Satisfaction in Gaining Knowledge
Feb 2012: Gaining Excellence with Knowledge – Implementation of Knowledge Management in Telkom; “Knowledge map” Sharing (The Ecosystem of Knowledge Assessment for Knowledge Audit and Mapping and Knowledge-map development methodology)
Sep 2011: Knowledge Management Practices in Unilever Indonesia, United Tractor, Medco Energi, Krakatau Steel, Indonesia Power
Jun 2011: Knowledge Management for Analysis “High Workload”; Integrating Knowledge Management with Competency Management
Apr 2011: KMSI Knowledge Management Framework Discussion; The role of Knowledge Management in Malcolm Baldrige
Aug 2010: Taxonomies in Knowledge Management
Feb 2009: Corporate Culture and Knowledge Management Implementation
Other Meetings
- Aug 2016: Halal–Bihalal event (aiming to improve the friendship between KMSI members)
- Apr 2015: Preparation for Knowledge Management Summit
- KM Award Indonesia Program (TBC)