Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI)
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The Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- KMSI Certification (TBC)
- Smart Knowledge Mapping (Knowledge Management Short Course)
– 2018: May, June
- Knowledge Management Summit Indonesia (KM Summit)* 1)
- Menyelamatkan Indonesia dengan Perekonomian berbasis Pengetahuan, 3. November 2012, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
(Organizer: Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), School of Business & Management, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) and KMSI)- Keynote & Discussion Panel:
Strategi Ekonomi Pembangunan Nasional berbasis Pengetahuan - Saving Indonesia’s Economy with Knowledge-Based Economy, 27 Oktober 2012, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
(Organizer: Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), School of Business & Management, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) and KMSI)- Keynotes:
Indonesia Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) ConceptDiscussion Panels:
Knowledge-Based Economy
Knowledge-Based Company/Corporate University
Knowledge Management Webinar Series (w. Magnet Solusi Integra)
- Jul 2022: The Role of Knowledge Management in Organizational Innovation (Peran Knowledge Management Dalam Inovasi Organisasi); The Role of Knowledge Workers in Knowledge Management (Peran Knowledge Worker dalam Knowledge Management); The Role of Knowledge Management and Technology to Improve Organizational Performance (Peran Knowledge Management dan Teknologi untuk Meningkatkan Performa Organisasi)
- Jun 2022: Knowledge Management to create Good Corporate Governance (Knowledge Management untuk menciptakan Good Corporate Governance); Why is Knowledge Management Important for Organizational Success (Mengapa Knowledge Management Penting untuk Kesuksesan Organisasi?)
SBM Webinar Series
- Feb 2021: Implementation of knowledge management toward the electronic-based government system (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik) (w. Agency for the Study and Application of Technology (BPPT) and Institut Teknologi Bandung, School of Business and Management)
KMSI Book Reviews
- Aug 2022: The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action
KMSI Day/Forum and Sharing Sessions (every 3 months)
Nov 2023: How to Strengthen the Potential of Human Thinking and Learning in the Digital Age (KM Sharing w. The New You Institute)
Aug 2020: New Learning Organization (KM Sharing w. CK4BC, SBM ITB)
Oct 2018: Disruption in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Mar 2018: Knowledge Management Millenial – Smart Millenial
Jan 2018: KMSI Knowledge Sharing Forum
Jul 2017: KMSI Knowledge Sharing Forum
Sep 2016: Informal Knowledge Sharing between Generation X, Y, Z; Knowledge Management in the Digital Era
May 2016: Enforcement Management: Do We Need It in Knowledge Management Implementation
Jan 2016: Why Knowledge Management Fails?; Pain and gain in implementing a Knowledge Management Program
Apr 2015: Buliding Knowledge Management in Indonesia (Feb 2015 follow-up)
Feb 2015: Why the implementation of Knowledge Management in Indonesia is not going well and what to do (KMSI Knowledge Cafe workshop @ ICHCKM 2015)
Sep 2014: Gurteen Knowledge Cafe on Conversational Leadership
Jun 2014: Leadership Behavior, Perceptions of Organizational Support, Intensity of Knowledge Sharing and Job Satisfaction in Gaining Knowledge
Feb 2012: Gaining Excellence with Knowledge – Implementation of Knowledge Management in Telkom; “Knowledge map” Sharing (The Ecosystem of Knowledge Assessment for Knowledge Audit and Mapping and Knowledge-map development methodology)
Sep 2011: Knowledge Management Practices in Unilever Indonesia, United Tractor, Medco Energi, Krakatau Steel, Indonesia Power
Jun 2011: Knowledge Management for Analysis “High Workload”; Integrating Knowledge Management with Competency Management
Apr 2011: KMSI Knowledge Management Framework Discussion; The role of Knowledge Management in Malcolm Baldrige
Aug 2010: Taxonomies in Knowledge Management
Feb 2009: Corporate Culture and Knowledge Management Implementation
Other Meetings
- Aug 2016: Halal–Bihalal event (aiming to improve the friendship between KMSI members)
- Apr 2015: Preparation for Knowledge Management Summit
- KM Award Indonesia Program (TBC)