Nottingham Trent University (NTU)*
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The Nottingham Trent University (NTU), formerly the Trent Polytechnic, originated from the Nottingham Government School of Design, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Nottingham Law School
Graduate Degrees
- Postgraduate Diploma in Know-how Management (for Legal Practice)**
- 2009
Law as a know-how business
Knowledge Management Strategy and Strategy making
Implementation: Getting down to doing knowledge management
Practical obstacles to implementing Knowledge Management and demonstrating success
An integrative approach to Knowledge Management; Evolution of Knowledge Management2006
Module 1 Law as a know-how business
Module 2a Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques: starting where you are
Module 2b Knowledge Management Implementation: building for the future
Module 3 Creating the right environment for creating, sharing and using knowledge
Module 4 Knowledge Management Strategy: Integration and looking to the future2003
Module 1: Law as a know-how business
Module 2: Knowledge Management Strategy and Strategy making
Module 3: Knowledge Management Tools and Resources
Module 4: Practical obstacles to implementing Knowledge Management and demonstrating success
Module 5: An integrative approach to Knowledge Management and Evolution of Knowledge Management
Public Practitioner Courses
- 2-Day Masterclass in Knowledge Management (was: Know-How Management)**
- PSL essentials: One day Professional support lawyers’ course**
In-house Practitioner Courses
- Bespoke courses/programmes on knowledge and law firm/legal services management (including a new partners’ programme)
- Tools and Techniques of Knowledge Management**
- Developing and Implementing a Knowledge Management Strategy**
- Client Facing Knowledge Management**
- Cultural Aspects of Knowledge Management**