Columbia University in the City of New York (Columbia University or Columbia), formerly the Columbia College and the King’s College, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
change management
Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore*
Singapore Governement’s Civil Service College (CSC)1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Organizational knowledge leadership
Purpose: Knowledge management as a key top executive function has not been sufficiently explored in the leadership literature. This study seeks to examine the role of top executives in knowledge management by first building theoretical hypotheses and subsequently testing them. Hypotheses are developed through the integration of the knowledge management and leadership literatures
Knowledge Management Champion Guidelines
Abstract: Knowledge champions (otherwise known as KM Champions, Knowledge Activists, Knowledge Stewards, Knowledge Coordinators, KM Reps) perform an important role in distributing your KM messages and activities consistently across an organisation. In the earlier KM literature KM Champions were envisaged as senior level activists promoting KM at a strategic level. Very little guidance exists
Rules for leaders of knowledge citizens
Abstract: In 1909, Sam Walter Foss, a librarian at the Somerville Public Library in Massachusetts, wrote a paper entitled ‘Some cardinal principals of librarian’s work’. Interestingly, Foss emphasized and encouraged the role of the librarian to be a fundamentally social and people-oriented character as opposed to a shy and retiring ‘book lover’. This