Filed in: content management

Life Science Knowledge Management Summit**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Life Science Knowledge Management Summit, produced by ExL Pharma, delves into the relationship between knowledge management, content management and culture. Experienced thought leaders in this field will convene at this event to help you find the balance between designing knowledge management systems that both influence and are influenced by a company’s culture.

Librarians vs. Knowledge Managers?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: A startling blog post entitled reflection on KM and libraries in law firms came over the transom today. In it Morgan Wilson, a law librarian, recounted his experiences of working in a library that was part of a law firm knowledge management department. These experiences led him to the conclusion that it

Innovations in Knowledge Organisation Conference (IKO Conference)**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The annual Innovations in Knowledge Organisation Conference (IKO Conference), organized by the International Society for Knowledge Organization: Singapore Chapter (ISKO SG), formerly by executives from Synaptica, Straits Knowledge, and PebbleRoad,1) seeks a convergence between the application of (1) Open Standards, (2) Maturing Technologies, (3) Innovative System Architectures, and (4) Professional Services Methodologies in the field