Dr. Nick Bontis
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The Dr. Nick Bontis, formerly the Institute for Intellectual Capital Research (IICR), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Management for Business (full or half-day seminar)
- Knowledge Management for Government (full or half-day seminar)
- Stop Organizational Stupidity Now (full or half-day seminar)
- Knowledge Management 101 (full day workshop)
- Knowledge Cafes
- Knowledge Management ROI: Intellectual Capital Causal Maps (120 minutes)
- Intellectual Capital what you see: The Intellectual Capital of Nations (120 minutes)
- …on topics in Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management
– Think Ahead! Take a Knowledge Journey
– The Ultimative Performance Accelerating Activity for Teams
– The Competitive Edge for Leaders
– Selling in the Nick of Time
– Combating the Biggest Threat Ever! Organizational Dementia
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