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Australian Society for Knowledge Management Conference (AuSKM Conference)**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Australian Society for Knowledge Management Conference (AuSKM Conference), formerly branded as Knowledge Management Melbourne (KMELB), successor of the Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management (actKM) Forum Conference, is a 1-day conference with post-conference workshops, organized by the Australian Society for Knowledge Management (AuSKM) and partners from the Australian Knowledge Management communities.

Australian Society for Knowledge Management (AuSKM)

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Australian Society for Knowledge Management (AuSKM), successor of the Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum (actKM Forum)1) and to some extend also successor of the Australian Knowledge Management Community2), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training

Knowledge Management Communities, Conferences & Training

Well known Stan Garfield, Community Evangelist at Deloitte Global Knowledge Services and leader of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community (SIKM Leaders), is providing his homepage on Google Sites – a vast variety of resources on knowledge management. Of special interest for knowledge management education and training opportunities are the list